2007년 12월 24일 월요일
sad christmas
중앙일보의 삼성관련 기사를 읽노라면 삼성의 똥개라도 그렇게 글을 쓰진 않을 것이란 생각이 든다.
조선, 중앙, 동아... 이들이 무슨 언론인가?
좃선같은 수구꼴통 찌라시(신문이란 말도 가당치 않다.)는 그렇다 치더라도 박정희가 중앙정보부요원들을 신문사에 상주시키면서 기사 하나하나를 검열하던 언론의 자유라곤 화장실 휴지통안에도 없던 서슬 퍼런 유신시절에 자유언론 수호 선언문을 신문 1면에 실으며 민초들의 억눌린 한을 위해 싸웠던 동아일보마저 천박한 시장논리를 옹호하는 신자유주의의 전도사가 되어 몽매한 중,고,대학생들과 서민들의 영혼마저 통째로 집어삼키고 있는 꼴을 보고 있노라면. 언론의 자유는 왜곡의 자유란 누군가의 말이 새삼스레 가슴을 후벼판다.
부정한 권력과 불의를 비판하고 사회정의의 최후보루가 되자는 언론의 사명?
재벌과 결탁, 언경유착이란 어떤것인지 몸으로 보여주는 조,중,동 찌라시에게는 콧방귀만 자아내게 하는 공자님 방귀뀌는 소리일 뿐이다.
그들에게 중요한것은 오직 돈. 그들보기에 한심하도록 멍청해보이는 국민들을 그들이 미국언론에서 배운 현란하고 교묘한 언론플레이로 갖고놀며, 높은 연봉을 무기로 기자들을 무기력한 강아지들로 길들여 놓는 이 찌라시들. 권력의 똥개란 바로 이런자들일 것이다.
지난선거내내 미국땅에서 가끔씩 인터넷으로나마 대선행보를 지켜보며, 대한민국의 미래는 없구나라는 씁쓸함과 우울함에 사로잡혔다. 그리고 우려는 이명박이라는 비리부패종합선물세트가 과반의 지지로 대통령에 당선되는 슬픈코미디로 현실화되었고...
선거기간 내내 재벌이 뒤를 봐주는 이명박과 그 앞에 꼬리를 살레살레 흔드는 검찰과 언론, 신문을 읽지않는 젊은이라는 반바보들들을 완전바보로 만드는 네이버같은 저질포탈사이트들의 대국민병신만들기를 보며 내내 기분이 편치않았다.
크리스마스, 오늘은 예수님께서 사람들에게 사랑과 자비, 평화를 가르쳐주기위해 오신날이다. 타락한 교회들은 여전히 서로 미워하라고 우리만, 우리교회만 잘먹고 잘살게 해달라고 뻔뻔스럽게 노래부르지만, 삼성이 이명박이라는 괴물을 대통령으로 만들기위해 기름유출 사고를 낸 태안에는 오늘 많은 하느님의 자식들, 예수의 후예들이 나가 기름제거작업에 땀을 흘리고 있다. 아기예수님이 오신 오늘 아침, 그들에겐 은총과 사랑의 기도를... 부패한 권력의 똥개로 전락한 기자놈들에게는 기름에 절은 똥한사발을... 아멘.
조선, 중앙, 동아... 이들이 무슨 언론인가?
좃선같은 수구꼴통 찌라시(신문이란 말도 가당치 않다.)는 그렇다 치더라도 박정희가 중앙정보부요원들을 신문사에 상주시키면서 기사 하나하나를 검열하던 언론의 자유라곤 화장실 휴지통안에도 없던 서슬 퍼런 유신시절에 자유언론 수호 선언문을 신문 1면에 실으며 민초들의 억눌린 한을 위해 싸웠던 동아일보마저 천박한 시장논리를 옹호하는 신자유주의의 전도사가 되어 몽매한 중,고,대학생들과 서민들의 영혼마저 통째로 집어삼키고 있는 꼴을 보고 있노라면. 언론의 자유는 왜곡의 자유란 누군가의 말이 새삼스레 가슴을 후벼판다.
부정한 권력과 불의를 비판하고 사회정의의 최후보루가 되자는 언론의 사명?
재벌과 결탁, 언경유착이란 어떤것인지 몸으로 보여주는 조,중,동 찌라시에게는 콧방귀만 자아내게 하는 공자님 방귀뀌는 소리일 뿐이다.
그들에게 중요한것은 오직 돈. 그들보기에 한심하도록 멍청해보이는 국민들을 그들이 미국언론에서 배운 현란하고 교묘한 언론플레이로 갖고놀며, 높은 연봉을 무기로 기자들을 무기력한 강아지들로 길들여 놓는 이 찌라시들. 권력의 똥개란 바로 이런자들일 것이다.
지난선거내내 미국땅에서 가끔씩 인터넷으로나마 대선행보를 지켜보며, 대한민국의 미래는 없구나라는 씁쓸함과 우울함에 사로잡혔다. 그리고 우려는 이명박이라는 비리부패종합선물세트가 과반의 지지로 대통령에 당선되는 슬픈코미디로 현실화되었고...
선거기간 내내 재벌이 뒤를 봐주는 이명박과 그 앞에 꼬리를 살레살레 흔드는 검찰과 언론, 신문을 읽지않는 젊은이라는 반바보들들을 완전바보로 만드는 네이버같은 저질포탈사이트들의 대국민병신만들기를 보며 내내 기분이 편치않았다.
크리스마스, 오늘은 예수님께서 사람들에게 사랑과 자비, 평화를 가르쳐주기위해 오신날이다. 타락한 교회들은 여전히 서로 미워하라고 우리만, 우리교회만 잘먹고 잘살게 해달라고 뻔뻔스럽게 노래부르지만, 삼성이 이명박이라는 괴물을 대통령으로 만들기위해 기름유출 사고를 낸 태안에는 오늘 많은 하느님의 자식들, 예수의 후예들이 나가 기름제거작업에 땀을 흘리고 있다. 아기예수님이 오신 오늘 아침, 그들에겐 은총과 사랑의 기도를... 부패한 권력의 똥개로 전락한 기자놈들에게는 기름에 절은 똥한사발을... 아멘.
Jesuses in Taean where Samsung made oil spill in the waters off
2007년 9월 24일 월요일
I won N90s on ebay!
I bid for Nikon N90s and won it at just 76 bucks!
Only 90bucks include shipping charge for this great camera.
Thanks to everybody following Digital stuff, I'm making some profit on still-nice things.
I've tried to purchase used F100 below $300 couple of times but failed to gain it due to fierce bid on those.
Thinking over F100 and N90s, Saving $200 instead of sacrificing few better function seemed to be reasonable.
And I bid on and gained it!
F100 or N90s?
The primary advantages of an F100 over the N90s are:
Custom functions - I'm not gonna adjust it even if I have it.
Viewfinder diopter adjustment - don't need to touch it at all.
Built-in exposure bracketing (N90s has it, but requires the optional databack to access!) - not that important for me.
Faster and better autofocus mechanism, especially for off-center subjects - I'm not gonna shoot flying birds or running aninmals, because film price so high in U.S.
Slightly better weatherproofing - I don't shoot when it's rainy
Controls more like that of other current Nikon bodies (F5, N80), makes it easier to switch between bodies without focusing on camera controls. Controls such as AF lock are easier to reach. - Don't worry about it. I'm a quick learner.
96% view in viewfinder versus 92% - what the hell. anyway neither are 100%
More stable tripod mount (N90s has one that tends to protrude) - I think it'll be ok since I'm not running with camera on tripod.
The advantages of the N90s over the F100 are:
Slightly lighter - sounds nice. I'd been suffered from heavy weight of F4s.
Lower price - actually, MUCH LOWER price. That's it!!
Somewhat longer battery life
Silly "novice" exposure modes that no one uses
Built-in viewfinder blind
Slightly higher viewfinder magnification (0.8x versus 0.76x)
Dare to Compare - Israel
Dare to Compare - Israel
By Ghali Hassan
Sep 23, 2007, 16:49
A few days ago, I had a long e-mail message from someone with the “Jews for Peace” group. The message starts: “I am very annoyed by your comparison of Israel with Nazi Germany … There is no Auschwitz in Palestine, and the Palestinians have not experienced a holocaust. Palestinians are free to leave any time they wish.” I do not know anything about the group, but a response is in order:
Thank you for your e-mail. I take it you have never been in Occupied Palestine to see the facts on the ground. Or you are ignorant of Israel’s policies against innocent and virtually defenceless Palestinians with nowhere to go to.
I do not compare Israel with Nazi Germany. Israel is a Zionist settlers’ colony founded on land theft and terror against the Palestinian people; Nazi Germany was not. However, I do – like most people – compare Israeli policies in Palestine with those of the Nazis. If you deny what happened in Palestine in 1948 (Nakba) when thousands of Palestinians were murdered, and an estimated 800,000 Palestinians were terrorised and ethnically cleansed from their homeland in a deliberate and systematic policy of mass expulsion by Jewish terrorist organisations, you deny “the holocaust” ever took place.
Honest Jews who experienced and survived the holocaust have often made the comparison between Israel’s brutal treatment of the Palestinian people and the Nazis’ brutal treatments of Jews and others. I am reminded of a letter to the Israeli Press twenty-five years ago in which Shlomo Shmelzman wrote: “In my childhood I have suffered fear, hunger and humiliation when I passed from the Warsaw Ghetto, through labour camps, to Buchenwald. I hear too many familiar sounds today, sounds which are being amplified by the war. I hear about ‘closed areas’ and I remember ghettos and camps. I hear ‘two-legged beasts’ and I remember ‘Untermenschen’ [subhumans]. I hear about tightening the siege, clearing the area, pounding the city into submission, and I remember suffering, destruction, death, blood and murder … Too many things in Israel remind me of too many things from my childhood”. (Ha’aretz, August 11, 1982). Israel is consciously matching all of Hitler’s crimes, killing and depriving Palestinians of basic human rights. Only the methods are different.
Furthermore, various Israeli politicians today, including the hardcore Fascist Deputy Prime Minister Avigdor Lieberman, are advocating a harsher policy of ethnic cleansing and mass murder of Arabs in Palestine as a conclusion to Israel’s conquest of Palestine. In fact, a majority of Israeli Jews (64%) advocates this Fascist form of thinking. (Ha’aretz, 22 June 2004).
You write: “Gaza is free”. I am sure you learned this fraud from at least four sources of propaganda: the pro-Israel Jewish Lobby; the deranged ignoramus American Zionist, Alan Dershowitz; U.S. mainstream media; and the BBC. Gaza is not “free”. Gaza is a large fortified Concentration Camp. Since 2000, the entire population of Gaza (1.5 million) has been under total blockade with disastrous consequences. Anyone who tries to get out risks being murdered.
As a result of this premeditated collective punishment, Gaza has run out of food and medicine. Palestinians, children and infants in particular, are dying of starvation, malnutrition and preventable diseases. Without electricity, hospital and emergency centres operate infrequently, depriving the sick and injured of medical care. So, Gaza is a Camp not much different from the Nazi’s Camps. Indeed, Israelis have started to call Gaza the “Ghetto”.
The criminal blockade of Gaza was tightened after the democratic elections of January 2006. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) won the elections in exactly the manner U.S. and the EU (the West) had called upon them to do – free and fair democratic voting. Unfortunately, “democracy” for the U.S. is only if the elected government serves U.S. interests. The criminal blockade is tightened on daily basis in violation of international law and civilised norms.
You are being naïve about the hyped evacuation of a few thousand illegal Jewish settlers from Gaza. I repeat: This was another Israeli fraud designed for mass propaganda aimed at diverting public attention away from Israel’s terror. As one Israeli Labor politician wrote recently: "The goal is to perpetuate Israeli control in most of the West Bank, and to repel any internal or external pressure for a different political solution. The Palestinians will be left with seven enclaves connected by special highways for their use."
The building of illegal colonies (the so-called "settlements") has accelerated dramatically, along with the illegal Apartheid Wall – described by some as ‘much worse’ than the Berlin Wall – confiscating Palestinian land and water resources and tearing Palestinian communities into small enclaves, dividing them from each other. With the completion of the Wall, some 1.6 million Palestinians will have access to no more than 12 per cent of historic Palestine which makes it impossible to establish a viable Palestinian state. In addition, the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) is carrying out Israel’s policy of ethnic cleansing, emptying Hebron of its original Arab inhabitants and Judaising the Jordan Valley, building illegal colonies, and making the so-called “Two-State” solution impossible. (See: Régis Debray, Le Monde Diplomatique, August 2007).
Take a look at the new map of the Palestinian Occupied Territories produced by the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA). More than 45 per cent of the West Bank is now off limits to Palestinians. East Jerusalem has been systematically Judaised, its borders inflated, and the Arab Palestinians there have become prisoners in their homes. They are harassed on a daily basis by illegal armed extremist settlers and the IOF. According to IMEMC News, some 1,835 Palestinian families have been forced to move from their homes and at least 15, 000 Palestinians will be denied access to the City when the illegal Wall is completed.
The Occupied Territories of the West Bank, including major population centres such as Nablus and Jericho, are split into enclaves. Palestinians’ movement between them is restricted by more than 532 roadblocks, including 86 manned Israeli checkpoints and 446 unmanned barriers. At these roadblocks, increasing numbers of desperately ill Palestinians and newborn babies have died because Israeli soldiers and armed settlers prevent people from reaching hospitals. Israel has already formalised the de facto Ghettoisation of the West Bank through a network of Jews-only highways that bypass and isolate Palestinian towns and villages. Israel has created a system of control the Nazis could only dream of.
You allege that: “Israel offered the Palestinians ‘land for peace’ and a separate state, but the Palestinians refused the offer”. First, peace for Israel, writes Henry Siegman, is a “cover for [Israel’s] systematic confiscation of Palestinian land” and premeditated violence against defenceless Palestinians. That was what the Oslo “Peace Process” was for. (Henry Siegman, LRB, 16 August 2007). That is why Israeli leaders love all these countless “peace” conferences.
Second, you are being very naïve to believe Israel’s manufactured propaganda. The “offer” was a scam. Israel offered the Palestinians nothing. In fact most of Israel’s criminal policies are designed to destroy any chance of a viable Palestinian state. The opportunity of a viable Palestinian state has passed and it is no longer a possibility unless Israel completely withdraws to pre-1967 boarders and implements all UN Security Council resolutions. (See: Hussein Agha & Robert Malley, NYR Books, 09 August 2001).
You also wrote: “Palestinians are free to leave any time they wish”. Where to? Israelis can go where they come from, and most Israelis are dual citizens, and have no problem returning to their homes in the U.S. and Europe. Palestinians have nowhere to go except to their homes in Palestine. Remember the common saying: ‘Jews have always demanded rights when they were in the minority, but they denied others the rights when they are in the majority and exercise power’. Palestinians have an inalienable right to return to their homeland.
Furthermore, you ignored the numerous diplomatic options offered by Arab nations and rebuffed by Israel. Indeed, all Muslim nations have offered Israel peace and recognition if Israel will renounce violence and accept a just peace. Instead, Israel has rejected every peace offer and continues to perpetuate violence, because violence is the foundation of the “State of Israel”.
According to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, PCHR, Israeli Occupation Forces (the Israeli Army) crimes against the Palestinians during the period of 16 -22 August, 2007 were:
16 Palestinians, including 3 children, were murdered by IOF in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
10 of the victims were extra-judicially executed by IOF.
18 Palestinians were wounded by IOF gunfire in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
IOF conducted 30 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and two ones into the Gaza Strip.
IOF arrested 44 Palestinian civilians, including a child, in the West Bank.
IOF shelled fishing boats and arrested 8 Palestinian fishermen in Rafah.
Of course, Israel’s terror and war crimes continue uninterrupted. Innocent Palestinian civilians, including children, are murdered every day. Israel’s blockade of Gaza (as mentioned above) continues with an international flavour that is causing a humanitarian crisis. The Palestinians are defenceless and unable to effectively retaliate against illegal and brutal occupiers. It’s preposterous to compare Palestinian “violence” with Israeli violence. Israeli Gestapo-like death squads are murdering innocent Palestinian civilians and prominent politicians with ease and impunity.
Israeli war planes continue to fly ‘sonic boom’ raids, terrorising the civilian population and causing mental damage to children and infants, and premature birth and miscarriage among pregnant women. The deliberate murder of Palestinian children (with impunity) for sport, and the use of Palestinian children as human shields by the Israeli soldiers, are war crimes worse than the Nazis’ crimes.
As I write these words, Israeli soldiers killed five Palestinian boys and girls, aged between 10 and 12, in cold blood. The children had only been playing ‘tag’ in the backyard of their home. Two days earlier, Israeli soldiers killed three boys while they were collecting carob fruits. The Israeli alleged: “the children approached the security fence”, Israel’s routine pretext to justify murder. Then the Israeli Army admitted that the killing occurred “by mistake”. Do you remember, when was the last Israeli killed by Palestinians?
Furthermore, at least 11,000 Palestinians, including women and children, are imprisoned without charge or due process in notorious Israeli prisons. Palestinian prisoners are enduring torture and abuse – justified by the Israeli Supreme Court as a ‘necessity’ – not dissimilar from those practiced by the Nazis with complete disregard to human rights and human dignity.
Israel has used, and continues to use, all kinds of weapons to kill Palestinians, including cluster bombs, napalms, and a new “super-weapon” that uses heat and pressure to kill people targeted across a wide area by sucking the air out of people’s lungs and rupturing their internal organs. In addition, Israel’s uninterrupted house demolitions of Palestinian homes and destruction of agricultural land constitute war crimes.
It’s worth noting that Israel’s violence found unconditional military support within the U.S. and European power establishments. The recent $30 billion “aid package” to Israel – paid by U.S. taxpayers – is a case in point, although “Washington’s blind support for Israel exceeds by many times the amount of direct U.S. aid to Israel” (Shirl McArthur, WRMEA, July 2006). Israel’s usefulness is that it justifies U.S. violence and military presence in the region.
Let’s not forget that Israel is a rogue state in possession of the fourth largest military force in the world. Israel amasses an arsenal that includes biological and chemical weapons and more than 200 nuclear warheads. Israel is rightly considered by the overwhelming majority of people around the world as the biggest threat to world peace.
All the above mentioned Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian people are so horrendous that they could be easily pass for Nazis’ war crimes against Jews. The whole idea of purely “Jewish State” in Palestine is based on the concept of the “Master Race” adopted in the Nazis’ ideology of Herrenvolk. Indeed, Jews consider non-Jews (Gentiles) as Untermenschen, or lesser humans. In Israel, the 20 per cent Palestinians are despised and denied equal rights in a deliberate discriminatory policy considered worse than South Africa’s Apartheid. Unlike South Africa’s Apartheid, Israel’s Apartheid is a real Apartheid. (See: Chris McGreal, Guardian, 16 February 2006). This racist policy led some Jews to stop associating themselves with Israel in order to deflect criticism away from Jews.
Despite the criminal nature of Israel’s policies, few people dare criticise Israel for fear of being labelled “anti-Semitists”. Israel uses the cliché of “anti-Semitism” and the holocaust to silence its critics. People who are falsely accused of “anti-Semitism” pay dearly, losing their jobs and livelihoods for daring to legitimately criticise Israel. Indeed, anyone who criticises Israel's terror or rationally argues that the pro-Israel Jewish Lobby in the U.S. has a significant influence over U.S. policy is automatically labelled “anti-Semitic”. The holocaust has been turned from a human tragedy into a political tool and a multi-business industry. In addition, Zionist Jews have succeeded in making the holocaust unique and exclusive, belittling countless other genocides. Zionist Jews have mastered the art of ‘religion manipulation’ to justify violence and perpetuate a slow genocide in Palestine.
It should be acknowledged that there is a widespread anti-Semitism campaign directed not against Jews, but against Arabs and Muslims. Pro-Israel Christian Zionists, including the Christian Right and pro-Israel lobbies in the U.S. and Europe, have declared war not only on the Palestinians and Arabs in the Middle East, but also on all Arabs and Muslims around the world. With the bulk of Western media inherently pro-Israel and anti-Muslim, Israel is portrayed as a “victim” defending itself from the Palestinians who are often depicted as “militants” and “terrorists”. In reality, the opposite is true.
In his last article in the Los Angeles Times (16 July 2007), the deputy of HAMAS political bureau, Mousa Abu Marzook, put the Movement’s view like this: “Why should anyone concede Israel’s ‘right’ to exist, when it has never even acknowledged the foundational crimes of murder and ethnic cleansing by means of which Israel to our towns and villages, our farms and orchards, and made us a nation of refugees? … I look forward to the day when Israel can say to me, and millions of other Palestinians: ‘Here, here is your family's house by the sea, here are your lemon trees, the olive grove your father tended: Come home and be whole again’. Then we can speak of a future together.”
Finally, Israel’s existence as a “civilised” nation depends on Israel’s willingness to renounce violence, stop dispossessing and murdering Palestinians, and resume the path of a peaceful democratic coexistence.
I encourage you to carefully read the sources I refer to in this letter and reflect on the long history of Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people before you blindly attack me again for daring to compare Israel’s policies in Palestine with those of the Nazis.
Ghali Hassan is an independent writer living in Australia.
By Ghali Hassan
Sep 23, 2007, 16:49
A few days ago, I had a long e-mail message from someone with the “Jews for Peace” group. The message starts: “I am very annoyed by your comparison of Israel with Nazi Germany … There is no Auschwitz in Palestine, and the Palestinians have not experienced a holocaust. Palestinians are free to leave any time they wish.” I do not know anything about the group, but a response is in order:
Thank you for your e-mail. I take it you have never been in Occupied Palestine to see the facts on the ground. Or you are ignorant of Israel’s policies against innocent and virtually defenceless Palestinians with nowhere to go to.
I do not compare Israel with Nazi Germany. Israel is a Zionist settlers’ colony founded on land theft and terror against the Palestinian people; Nazi Germany was not. However, I do – like most people – compare Israeli policies in Palestine with those of the Nazis. If you deny what happened in Palestine in 1948 (Nakba) when thousands of Palestinians were murdered, and an estimated 800,000 Palestinians were terrorised and ethnically cleansed from their homeland in a deliberate and systematic policy of mass expulsion by Jewish terrorist organisations, you deny “the holocaust” ever took place.
Honest Jews who experienced and survived the holocaust have often made the comparison between Israel’s brutal treatment of the Palestinian people and the Nazis’ brutal treatments of Jews and others. I am reminded of a letter to the Israeli Press twenty-five years ago in which Shlomo Shmelzman wrote: “In my childhood I have suffered fear, hunger and humiliation when I passed from the Warsaw Ghetto, through labour camps, to Buchenwald. I hear too many familiar sounds today, sounds which are being amplified by the war. I hear about ‘closed areas’ and I remember ghettos and camps. I hear ‘two-legged beasts’ and I remember ‘Untermenschen’ [subhumans]. I hear about tightening the siege, clearing the area, pounding the city into submission, and I remember suffering, destruction, death, blood and murder … Too many things in Israel remind me of too many things from my childhood”. (Ha’aretz, August 11, 1982). Israel is consciously matching all of Hitler’s crimes, killing and depriving Palestinians of basic human rights. Only the methods are different.
Furthermore, various Israeli politicians today, including the hardcore Fascist Deputy Prime Minister Avigdor Lieberman, are advocating a harsher policy of ethnic cleansing and mass murder of Arabs in Palestine as a conclusion to Israel’s conquest of Palestine. In fact, a majority of Israeli Jews (64%) advocates this Fascist form of thinking. (Ha’aretz, 22 June 2004).
You write: “Gaza is free”. I am sure you learned this fraud from at least four sources of propaganda: the pro-Israel Jewish Lobby; the deranged ignoramus American Zionist, Alan Dershowitz; U.S. mainstream media; and the BBC. Gaza is not “free”. Gaza is a large fortified Concentration Camp. Since 2000, the entire population of Gaza (1.5 million) has been under total blockade with disastrous consequences. Anyone who tries to get out risks being murdered.
As a result of this premeditated collective punishment, Gaza has run out of food and medicine. Palestinians, children and infants in particular, are dying of starvation, malnutrition and preventable diseases. Without electricity, hospital and emergency centres operate infrequently, depriving the sick and injured of medical care. So, Gaza is a Camp not much different from the Nazi’s Camps. Indeed, Israelis have started to call Gaza the “Ghetto”.
The criminal blockade of Gaza was tightened after the democratic elections of January 2006. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) won the elections in exactly the manner U.S. and the EU (the West) had called upon them to do – free and fair democratic voting. Unfortunately, “democracy” for the U.S. is only if the elected government serves U.S. interests. The criminal blockade is tightened on daily basis in violation of international law and civilised norms.
You are being naïve about the hyped evacuation of a few thousand illegal Jewish settlers from Gaza. I repeat: This was another Israeli fraud designed for mass propaganda aimed at diverting public attention away from Israel’s terror. As one Israeli Labor politician wrote recently: "The goal is to perpetuate Israeli control in most of the West Bank, and to repel any internal or external pressure for a different political solution. The Palestinians will be left with seven enclaves connected by special highways for their use."
The building of illegal colonies (the so-called "settlements") has accelerated dramatically, along with the illegal Apartheid Wall – described by some as ‘much worse’ than the Berlin Wall – confiscating Palestinian land and water resources and tearing Palestinian communities into small enclaves, dividing them from each other. With the completion of the Wall, some 1.6 million Palestinians will have access to no more than 12 per cent of historic Palestine which makes it impossible to establish a viable Palestinian state. In addition, the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) is carrying out Israel’s policy of ethnic cleansing, emptying Hebron of its original Arab inhabitants and Judaising the Jordan Valley, building illegal colonies, and making the so-called “Two-State” solution impossible. (See: Régis Debray, Le Monde Diplomatique, August 2007).
Take a look at the new map of the Palestinian Occupied Territories produced by the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA). More than 45 per cent of the West Bank is now off limits to Palestinians. East Jerusalem has been systematically Judaised, its borders inflated, and the Arab Palestinians there have become prisoners in their homes. They are harassed on a daily basis by illegal armed extremist settlers and the IOF. According to IMEMC News, some 1,835 Palestinian families have been forced to move from their homes and at least 15, 000 Palestinians will be denied access to the City when the illegal Wall is completed.
The Occupied Territories of the West Bank, including major population centres such as Nablus and Jericho, are split into enclaves. Palestinians’ movement between them is restricted by more than 532 roadblocks, including 86 manned Israeli checkpoints and 446 unmanned barriers. At these roadblocks, increasing numbers of desperately ill Palestinians and newborn babies have died because Israeli soldiers and armed settlers prevent people from reaching hospitals. Israel has already formalised the de facto Ghettoisation of the West Bank through a network of Jews-only highways that bypass and isolate Palestinian towns and villages. Israel has created a system of control the Nazis could only dream of.
You allege that: “Israel offered the Palestinians ‘land for peace’ and a separate state, but the Palestinians refused the offer”. First, peace for Israel, writes Henry Siegman, is a “cover for [Israel’s] systematic confiscation of Palestinian land” and premeditated violence against defenceless Palestinians. That was what the Oslo “Peace Process” was for. (Henry Siegman, LRB, 16 August 2007). That is why Israeli leaders love all these countless “peace” conferences.
Second, you are being very naïve to believe Israel’s manufactured propaganda. The “offer” was a scam. Israel offered the Palestinians nothing. In fact most of Israel’s criminal policies are designed to destroy any chance of a viable Palestinian state. The opportunity of a viable Palestinian state has passed and it is no longer a possibility unless Israel completely withdraws to pre-1967 boarders and implements all UN Security Council resolutions. (See: Hussein Agha & Robert Malley, NYR Books, 09 August 2001).
You also wrote: “Palestinians are free to leave any time they wish”. Where to? Israelis can go where they come from, and most Israelis are dual citizens, and have no problem returning to their homes in the U.S. and Europe. Palestinians have nowhere to go except to their homes in Palestine. Remember the common saying: ‘Jews have always demanded rights when they were in the minority, but they denied others the rights when they are in the majority and exercise power’. Palestinians have an inalienable right to return to their homeland.
Furthermore, you ignored the numerous diplomatic options offered by Arab nations and rebuffed by Israel. Indeed, all Muslim nations have offered Israel peace and recognition if Israel will renounce violence and accept a just peace. Instead, Israel has rejected every peace offer and continues to perpetuate violence, because violence is the foundation of the “State of Israel”.
According to the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, PCHR, Israeli Occupation Forces (the Israeli Army) crimes against the Palestinians during the period of 16 -22 August, 2007 were:
16 Palestinians, including 3 children, were murdered by IOF in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
10 of the victims were extra-judicially executed by IOF.
18 Palestinians were wounded by IOF gunfire in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
IOF conducted 30 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and two ones into the Gaza Strip.
IOF arrested 44 Palestinian civilians, including a child, in the West Bank.
IOF shelled fishing boats and arrested 8 Palestinian fishermen in Rafah.
Of course, Israel’s terror and war crimes continue uninterrupted. Innocent Palestinian civilians, including children, are murdered every day. Israel’s blockade of Gaza (as mentioned above) continues with an international flavour that is causing a humanitarian crisis. The Palestinians are defenceless and unable to effectively retaliate against illegal and brutal occupiers. It’s preposterous to compare Palestinian “violence” with Israeli violence. Israeli Gestapo-like death squads are murdering innocent Palestinian civilians and prominent politicians with ease and impunity.
Israeli war planes continue to fly ‘sonic boom’ raids, terrorising the civilian population and causing mental damage to children and infants, and premature birth and miscarriage among pregnant women. The deliberate murder of Palestinian children (with impunity) for sport, and the use of Palestinian children as human shields by the Israeli soldiers, are war crimes worse than the Nazis’ crimes.
As I write these words, Israeli soldiers killed five Palestinian boys and girls, aged between 10 and 12, in cold blood. The children had only been playing ‘tag’ in the backyard of their home. Two days earlier, Israeli soldiers killed three boys while they were collecting carob fruits. The Israeli alleged: “the children approached the security fence”, Israel’s routine pretext to justify murder. Then the Israeli Army admitted that the killing occurred “by mistake”. Do you remember, when was the last Israeli killed by Palestinians?
Furthermore, at least 11,000 Palestinians, including women and children, are imprisoned without charge or due process in notorious Israeli prisons. Palestinian prisoners are enduring torture and abuse – justified by the Israeli Supreme Court as a ‘necessity’ – not dissimilar from those practiced by the Nazis with complete disregard to human rights and human dignity.
Israel has used, and continues to use, all kinds of weapons to kill Palestinians, including cluster bombs, napalms, and a new “super-weapon” that uses heat and pressure to kill people targeted across a wide area by sucking the air out of people’s lungs and rupturing their internal organs. In addition, Israel’s uninterrupted house demolitions of Palestinian homes and destruction of agricultural land constitute war crimes.
It’s worth noting that Israel’s violence found unconditional military support within the U.S. and European power establishments. The recent $30 billion “aid package” to Israel – paid by U.S. taxpayers – is a case in point, although “Washington’s blind support for Israel exceeds by many times the amount of direct U.S. aid to Israel” (Shirl McArthur, WRMEA, July 2006). Israel’s usefulness is that it justifies U.S. violence and military presence in the region.
Let’s not forget that Israel is a rogue state in possession of the fourth largest military force in the world. Israel amasses an arsenal that includes biological and chemical weapons and more than 200 nuclear warheads. Israel is rightly considered by the overwhelming majority of people around the world as the biggest threat to world peace.
All the above mentioned Israeli war crimes against the Palestinian people are so horrendous that they could be easily pass for Nazis’ war crimes against Jews. The whole idea of purely “Jewish State” in Palestine is based on the concept of the “Master Race” adopted in the Nazis’ ideology of Herrenvolk. Indeed, Jews consider non-Jews (Gentiles) as Untermenschen, or lesser humans. In Israel, the 20 per cent Palestinians are despised and denied equal rights in a deliberate discriminatory policy considered worse than South Africa’s Apartheid. Unlike South Africa’s Apartheid, Israel’s Apartheid is a real Apartheid. (See: Chris McGreal, Guardian, 16 February 2006). This racist policy led some Jews to stop associating themselves with Israel in order to deflect criticism away from Jews.
Despite the criminal nature of Israel’s policies, few people dare criticise Israel for fear of being labelled “anti-Semitists”. Israel uses the cliché of “anti-Semitism” and the holocaust to silence its critics. People who are falsely accused of “anti-Semitism” pay dearly, losing their jobs and livelihoods for daring to legitimately criticise Israel. Indeed, anyone who criticises Israel's terror or rationally argues that the pro-Israel Jewish Lobby in the U.S. has a significant influence over U.S. policy is automatically labelled “anti-Semitic”. The holocaust has been turned from a human tragedy into a political tool and a multi-business industry. In addition, Zionist Jews have succeeded in making the holocaust unique and exclusive, belittling countless other genocides. Zionist Jews have mastered the art of ‘religion manipulation’ to justify violence and perpetuate a slow genocide in Palestine.
It should be acknowledged that there is a widespread anti-Semitism campaign directed not against Jews, but against Arabs and Muslims. Pro-Israel Christian Zionists, including the Christian Right and pro-Israel lobbies in the U.S. and Europe, have declared war not only on the Palestinians and Arabs in the Middle East, but also on all Arabs and Muslims around the world. With the bulk of Western media inherently pro-Israel and anti-Muslim, Israel is portrayed as a “victim” defending itself from the Palestinians who are often depicted as “militants” and “terrorists”. In reality, the opposite is true.
In his last article in the Los Angeles Times (16 July 2007), the deputy of HAMAS political bureau, Mousa Abu Marzook, put the Movement’s view like this: “Why should anyone concede Israel’s ‘right’ to exist, when it has never even acknowledged the foundational crimes of murder and ethnic cleansing by means of which Israel to our towns and villages, our farms and orchards, and made us a nation of refugees? … I look forward to the day when Israel can say to me, and millions of other Palestinians: ‘Here, here is your family's house by the sea, here are your lemon trees, the olive grove your father tended: Come home and be whole again’. Then we can speak of a future together.”
Finally, Israel’s existence as a “civilised” nation depends on Israel’s willingness to renounce violence, stop dispossessing and murdering Palestinians, and resume the path of a peaceful democratic coexistence.
I encourage you to carefully read the sources I refer to in this letter and reflect on the long history of Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people before you blindly attack me again for daring to compare Israel’s policies in Palestine with those of the Nazis.
Ghali Hassan is an independent writer living in Australia.
2007년 9월 20일 목요일
Musical mode
This article is about modes as used in music.
In music, a scale is an ordered series of musical intervals, which, along with the key or tonic, define the pitches. However, mode is usually used in the sense of scale applied only to the specific diatonic scales found below. The use of more than one mode is polymodal, such as with polymodal chromaticism. While all tonal music may technically be described as modal, music that is called modal often has less diatonic functionality and changes key less often than other music.
Modern modes
The modern conception of modes describes a system where each mode encompasses the usual diatonic scale but with a different tonic or tonal center. On a piano or other such keyboard instrument, one can find a diatonic scale by using the white keys. The seven-note scale starting on middle C is an Ionian scale. Going up the keyboard one gets a Dorian scale by starting on the D, a Phrygian scale by starting on the E, a Lydian scale by starting on the F, a Mixolydian scale starting on the G, an Aeolian scale starting on the A, and a Locrian scale starting on the B. As a memory aid, there is a mnemonic: I Do Follow Lonely Men And Laugh (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, Locrian). Another one is I Don't Particularly Like Modes A Lot.
The modes can be arranged in the following sequence, where each mode has one more shortened interval in its scale than the one preceding it.
The first three modes are termed major, and the remaining ones are minor. A mode is deemed major or minor by the intervallic relationship between the 1st and 3rd scale degrees. A mode is considered minor if the 1st and 3rd scale degrees form a minor 3rd (3 semitones above the root). A major mode instead has a major 3rd (4 semitones) from the 1st scale degree to the 3rd.
The Locrian mode is traditionally considered theoretical rather than practical because the interval between the 1st and 5th scale degrees is diminished rather than perfect, which creates difficulties in voice leading. However, Locrian is recognized in jazz theory as the preferred mode to play over a iiø7 chord in a minor iiø7-V7-i progression, where it is called a 'half-diminished' scale.
Major modes
The Ionian mode is identical to a major scale. The Lydian mode is a major scale with a raised 4th scale degree. The Mixolydian mode is a major scale with a lowered 7th scale degree.
-Ionian (I)
-Lydian (IV)
-Mixolydian (V)
Minor modes
The Aeolian mode is identical to a natural minor scale. The Dorian mode is a natural minor scale with a raised 6th scale degree. The Phrygian mode is a natural minor mode with a lowered 2nd scale degree. The Locrian mode is a natural minor mode with lowered 2nd and 5th scale degrees.
-Dorian (ii)
-Phrygian (iii)
-Aeolian (vi)
-Locrian (vii)
The relationship between the seven modern modes is discussed in more detail in the article on properties of musical modes.
Use of the modes
Modes came back into favor some time later with the developments of impressionism, jazz, (modal jazz) and more contemporary 20th century music.
The use and conception of modes or modality today is different from their use and conception in early music. As Jim Samson (1977, p.148) explains, "Clearly any comparison of medieval and modern modality would recognize that the latter takes place against a background of some three centuries of harmonic tonality, permitting, and in the nineteenth century requiring, a dialogue between modal and diatonic procedure."
The Ionian mode is another name for the major mode, in which much Western music is composed. The Aeolian forms the base of the most common Western minor scale; however, a true Aeolian mode composition will use only the seven notes of the Aeolian scale, while nearly every minor mode composition of the common practice period will have some accidentals on the sixth and seventh scale degrees in order to facilitate the cadences of western music.
Besides the Ionian major and modern (harmonic/melodic) minor modes, the other modes have limited use in music today. Folk music is often best analysed in terms of modes. For example, in Irish traditional music the Ionian, Dorian, Aeolian and Mixolydian modes occur (in roughly decreasing order of frequency); the Phrygian mode is an important part of the flamenco sound. The Dorian mode is also found in other folk music, particularly Latin and Laotian music, while Phrygian is found in some Central European or stylized Arab music, whether as natural Phrygian or harmonic Phrygian (Phrygian Dominant), which has a raised third (the so-called "gypsy scale"). Mixolydian mode is quite common in jazz and most other forms of popular music. Because of its dream-like sound, the Lydian mode is most often heard in soundtrack and video game music.
Some works by Beethoven contain modal inflections, and Chopin, Berlioz, and Liszt made extensive use of modes. They influenced nineteenth century Russian composers, including Mussorgsky and Borodin; many twentieth century composers drew on this earlier work in their incorporation of modal elements, including Claude Debussy, Leoš Janáček, Jean Sibelius, Ralph Vaughan Williams and others. Zoltán Kodály, Gustav Holst, Manuel de Falla use modal elements as modifications of a diatonic background, while in the music of Debussy and Béla Bartók modality replaces diatonic tonality. (Samson 1977)
They have also been used in popular music, especially in rock music. Some notable examples of songs using modality include Simon and Garfunkel's Scarborough Fair (although the ballad was not composed by the group, Simon and Garfunkel popularized it, and will be considered as a modal song in this article), which uses the Dorian mode, and many of the jam-songs of The Grateful Dead.
While remaining relatively uncommon in modern (Western) popular music, the darker tones implied by the flatted 2nd and/or 5th degrees of (respectively) the Phrygian and Locrian modes are evident in diatonic chord progressions and melodies of many guitar-oriented rock bands, especially in the late 1980s and early 1990s, as evidenced on albums such as Metallica's "Ride the Lightning" and "Master of Puppets", among others.
In music, a scale is an ordered series of musical intervals, which, along with the key or tonic, define the pitches. However, mode is usually used in the sense of scale applied only to the specific diatonic scales found below. The use of more than one mode is polymodal, such as with polymodal chromaticism. While all tonal music may technically be described as modal, music that is called modal often has less diatonic functionality and changes key less often than other music.
Modern modes
The modern conception of modes describes a system where each mode encompasses the usual diatonic scale but with a different tonic or tonal center. On a piano or other such keyboard instrument, one can find a diatonic scale by using the white keys. The seven-note scale starting on middle C is an Ionian scale. Going up the keyboard one gets a Dorian scale by starting on the D, a Phrygian scale by starting on the E, a Lydian scale by starting on the F, a Mixolydian scale starting on the G, an Aeolian scale starting on the A, and a Locrian scale starting on the B. As a memory aid, there is a mnemonic: I Do Follow Lonely Men And Laugh (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, Locrian). Another one is I Don't Particularly Like Modes A Lot.
The modes can be arranged in the following sequence, where each mode has one more shortened interval in its scale than the one preceding it.
The first three modes are termed major, and the remaining ones are minor. A mode is deemed major or minor by the intervallic relationship between the 1st and 3rd scale degrees. A mode is considered minor if the 1st and 3rd scale degrees form a minor 3rd (3 semitones above the root). A major mode instead has a major 3rd (4 semitones) from the 1st scale degree to the 3rd.
The Locrian mode is traditionally considered theoretical rather than practical because the interval between the 1st and 5th scale degrees is diminished rather than perfect, which creates difficulties in voice leading. However, Locrian is recognized in jazz theory as the preferred mode to play over a iiø7 chord in a minor iiø7-V7-i progression, where it is called a 'half-diminished' scale.
Major modes
The Ionian mode is identical to a major scale. The Lydian mode is a major scale with a raised 4th scale degree. The Mixolydian mode is a major scale with a lowered 7th scale degree.
-Ionian (I)
-Lydian (IV)
-Mixolydian (V)
Minor modes
The Aeolian mode is identical to a natural minor scale. The Dorian mode is a natural minor scale with a raised 6th scale degree. The Phrygian mode is a natural minor mode with a lowered 2nd scale degree. The Locrian mode is a natural minor mode with lowered 2nd and 5th scale degrees.
-Dorian (ii)
-Phrygian (iii)
-Aeolian (vi)
-Locrian (vii)
The relationship between the seven modern modes is discussed in more detail in the article on properties of musical modes.
Use of the modes
Modes came back into favor some time later with the developments of impressionism, jazz, (modal jazz) and more contemporary 20th century music.
The use and conception of modes or modality today is different from their use and conception in early music. As Jim Samson (1977, p.148) explains, "Clearly any comparison of medieval and modern modality would recognize that the latter takes place against a background of some three centuries of harmonic tonality, permitting, and in the nineteenth century requiring, a dialogue between modal and diatonic procedure."
The Ionian mode is another name for the major mode, in which much Western music is composed. The Aeolian forms the base of the most common Western minor scale; however, a true Aeolian mode composition will use only the seven notes of the Aeolian scale, while nearly every minor mode composition of the common practice period will have some accidentals on the sixth and seventh scale degrees in order to facilitate the cadences of western music.
Besides the Ionian major and modern (harmonic/melodic) minor modes, the other modes have limited use in music today. Folk music is often best analysed in terms of modes. For example, in Irish traditional music the Ionian, Dorian, Aeolian and Mixolydian modes occur (in roughly decreasing order of frequency); the Phrygian mode is an important part of the flamenco sound. The Dorian mode is also found in other folk music, particularly Latin and Laotian music, while Phrygian is found in some Central European or stylized Arab music, whether as natural Phrygian or harmonic Phrygian (Phrygian Dominant), which has a raised third (the so-called "gypsy scale"). Mixolydian mode is quite common in jazz and most other forms of popular music. Because of its dream-like sound, the Lydian mode is most often heard in soundtrack and video game music.
Some works by Beethoven contain modal inflections, and Chopin, Berlioz, and Liszt made extensive use of modes. They influenced nineteenth century Russian composers, including Mussorgsky and Borodin; many twentieth century composers drew on this earlier work in their incorporation of modal elements, including Claude Debussy, Leoš Janáček, Jean Sibelius, Ralph Vaughan Williams and others. Zoltán Kodály, Gustav Holst, Manuel de Falla use modal elements as modifications of a diatonic background, while in the music of Debussy and Béla Bartók modality replaces diatonic tonality. (Samson 1977)
They have also been used in popular music, especially in rock music. Some notable examples of songs using modality include Simon and Garfunkel's Scarborough Fair (although the ballad was not composed by the group, Simon and Garfunkel popularized it, and will be considered as a modal song in this article), which uses the Dorian mode, and many of the jam-songs of The Grateful Dead.
While remaining relatively uncommon in modern (Western) popular music, the darker tones implied by the flatted 2nd and/or 5th degrees of (respectively) the Phrygian and Locrian modes are evident in diatonic chord progressions and melodies of many guitar-oriented rock bands, especially in the late 1980s and early 1990s, as evidenced on albums such as Metallica's "Ride the Lightning" and "Master of Puppets", among others.
2007년 9월 13일 목요일
Nikon F100 vs F5
The primary things the F100 sacrifices over the F5 are:
The F100 doesn't have mirror lock-up.
The F100 has a 10-sensor matrix meter instead of the F5's 1005-element color matrix meter.
The vertical release and extended grip are an option (MB-15) on the F100.
The F100's top frame rate is 5 fps compared to the F5's 8 fps.
The F5 has a self-monitoring shutter, the F100 doesn't.
The prism is not removable on the F100; it is on the F5, allowing waist level viewing and alternate prisms.
The F100 does not have a built-in eyepiece shutter (to keep extraneous light out when you're not looking through the viewfinder). Instead, it comes with a small plastic accessory that is easily misplaced.
The F5 has slow shutter speeds up to 30 minutes (you must override the 30 second cut-off with a custom setting to access them, however); the F100 doesn't (30 seconds is the max).
Benefits of the F100 over the F5 are:
The F100 weighs only 27.7 ounces, compared to 42.7 for the F5. (Those are the weights sans batteries.)
The F100 only requires four AA batteries; the F5 uses eight. The F100 also has an optional holder (MS-13) that takes two CR123A lithium batteries (a wise option if you plan to use the camera in cold weather); the F5 does not have this option.
The F100 has more flexible bracketing, allowing 1/2-stop adjustments in addition to 1/3- and full-stop settings.
The F100 has a user-selectable function called Closest Focus Priority, which defaults AF to the sensor that sees the closest subject (more on this later).
The AF sensors in the F100 briefly light in red when selected and are very easy to see, while the F5's AF sensors are black LCD superimposed over the viewing screen, which can be difficult to see in some lighting and with some subjects. Moreover, the F100's E-type screen uses the same AF sensor technology, while the F5's original E-type screen does not show the active AF sensor.
Minor things that are different on the two cameras:
The F5 has a secondary LCD display, which shows the ISO setting all the time. Bracketing, custom functions, and lock settings are shown on this secondary LCD, as well. The F100 has only one LCD, and all settings are shown on it, although some settings only display when you're adjusting them (ISO, for example).
The Dynamic AF control is on the back of the F100 along with an AF sensor lock; the control is on the top plate of the F5 and it's not as convenient to lock the sensor.
The F5 has a lock to keep the power from accidentally being turned on; the F100 doesn't.
The F5 allows manual rewind and has �safeguards� to keep from accidentally triggering rewind; the F100 doesn't.
The F5 syncs to 1/300, the F100 to 1/250. (Note that the Guide Number is reduced at the 1/300 setting, though.)
The F5 has a separate multiple exposure control; the F100 simply makes it one of the frame advance settings.
The F5 features a 100% viewfinder, the F100 96% (the F90x/N90s is approximately 92%).
The F5 lets the user set the exact self-timer delay from 2 to 30 seconds; the F100 has only four selections (2, 5, 10 and 20 seconds).
The F100 meters from EV 0 to EV 21 in center-weighted and matrix mode; the F5 from EV 0 to EV 20.
---------from Thom Hogan's website
Beautiful Korea
As things get tough, S Korea's bosses get rolling
By Anna Fifield in Seoul
Published: September 12 2007 03:00 | Last updated: September 12 2007 03:00
Wheelchairs seem to be the vehicle of choice for South Korean tycoons who find themselves in a spot of bother.
모든 죄가 용서되는 한국 재벌들의 마술 휠체어.
Lee Kun-hee, the chairman of Samsung, last year rolled back into Korea in a shiny silver number.
This was after suddenly travelling to the US just as prosecutors began an investigation into allegations that he had illegally passed his wealth on to his children.
Mr Lee was never questioned about the case, which seems now to have gone away.
Chung Mong-koo, the boss of Hyundai Motor, was wheeled into court for his trial on charges of embezzling $100m of company money and breach of trust, also related to attempts to transfer the family business to his son.
He last week had his three-year jail sentence suspended, with the judgesaying the country needed him back in the office.
Kim Seung-youn, chairman of the Hanwha explosives conglomerate, yesterday went one better, showing up at court in not just a wheelchair but in hospital pyjamas as well.
Only a few months ago, Mr Kim waswell enough to participate in a Godfather-style attack involving a steelbar, his bodyguards and some karaokeroom workers who were mean to hisson.
However, yesterday his 18-month prison term for assault was also suspended.
The Korean courts appear to believe that it is in the national interest to have these industrial giants continue to run their publicly listed companies, regardless of what they might get up to behind the scenes.
Wouldn't the national interest be better served by business leaders that behaved themselves and a legal system that treated all citizens equally?
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007
2007년 9월 5일 수요일
Pleasant morning
Could feel the fresh air of the morning.
Crazy heat waves seem to have decreased at last.
Time to put my bohemianism in the back of my drawer
and go back to school.
Starting today by posting some pics that was piled up in my hard drive.
Good morning, Good morning.
Crazy heat waves seem to have decreased at last.
Time to put my bohemianism in the back of my drawer
and go back to school.
Starting today by posting some pics that was piled up in my hard drive.
Good morning, Good morning.
2007년 8월 27일 월요일
Korean war
In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality. -Alfred Stieglitz
Soviet tank T-34 of N. Korea army making entry into Seoul 3days after war breaking out. 전쟁 발발 3일만에 서울 시내로 들어온 북한의 T-34
이승만은 자신은 중앙청에 집무하고 있으며 용감무쌍한 국군이 의정부를 탈환하고 도망가는 북한군을 추적중이니 국민들 모두 평상시처럼 직장으로 출근하라고 서울중앙방송을 통해 (녹음해 놓은 것을) 방송했지만, 이미 그는 서울을 떠난 뒤였다.
Demolition of Han river bridge.
폭파된 한강 인도교(1950.6.28)와 폭파되는 한강철교(1950.7.3)의 모습.
이승만과 정부 수뇌부는 아무런 예고도 없이 28일 새벽 2시 30분경 한강다리를 폭파하였다. 이 폭파로 얼마나 많은 사람이 죽었는지는 아무도 모른다.
폭파를 목격한 이형근은 "아비규환이니 인류의 비극이니 하는 것은 그때의 정경을 두고 하는 말이다."라고 말했다. 다른 목격자는 "북쪽 두번째 아치를 끊었는데, 눈뜨고 볼 수 없는 아비규환의 참상이었다. 피투성이가 돼 쓰러진 사람들이 손으로 다리 밑바닥을 긁으며 어머니를 부르고 있었다. 하지(下枝)만을 잃고서 어머니를 부르고 있었다 .50대 이상의 차량이 물에 빠졌을 것이다라고 말했다. 어떤 미군 장교는 500명에서 800명이 폭사(爆死)했을 것으로 추정하였고, 다른 증언자는 4천 명 이상의 사람이 다리위에 있었다고 말했다. <김동춘 '전쟁과 사회 : 우리에게 한국전쟁은 무엇이었나?' 91쪽>
당시의 전황으로 볼때 북한군이 한강에 도달하기까지는 6~8시간의 여유시간이 있었다고 한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 피난가는 사람들을 그대로 둔채 서둘러 폭파한것은 도무지 이해하기 어려운 일이다. 오죽하면 국군의 한 장성(이응덕)은 한강 다리 폭파가 인민군의 짓인 줄 알고서 "과연 적이지만 전술을 아는 놈들이구만"이라며 감탄했을까.
조기 폭파로 인명 살상은 물론 병력과 물자 수송에 막대한 타격을 입었다는 비판이 대두되자, 이승만은 나중에(8월 28일) 당시 폭파 책임을 맡았던 공병감인 대령 최창식을 '적전비행죄'로 체포해 9월 21일 사형을 집행했다.
최창식 혼자서 폭파결정을 내렸을리 만무하지만 책임은 최창식 혼자서 뒤집어 썼다. 이승만이 '각하 너무 많이 내려오셨습니다.'라는 참모들의 건의에 못이겨 대구에서 대전으로 올라왔을 때였다.
이승만은 자신은 중앙청에 집무하고 있으며 용감무쌍한 국군이 의정부를 탈환하고 도망가는 북한군을 추적중이니 국민들 모두 평상시처럼 직장으로 출근하라고 서울중앙방송을 통해 (녹음해 놓은 것을) 방송했지만, 이미 그는 서울을 떠난 뒤였다.
폭파된 한강 인도교(1950.6.28)와 폭파되는 한강철교(1950.7.3)의 모습.
이승만과 정부 수뇌부는 아무런 예고도 없이 28일 새벽 2시 30분경 한강다리를 폭파하였다. 이 폭파로 얼마나 많은 사람이 죽었는지는 아무도 모른다.
폭파를 목격한 이형근은 "아비규환이니 인류의 비극이니 하는 것은 그때의 정경을 두고 하는 말이다."라고 말했다. 다른 목격자는 "북쪽 두번째 아치를 끊었는데, 눈뜨고 볼 수 없는 아비규환의 참상이었다. 피투성이가 돼 쓰러진 사람들이 손으로 다리 밑바닥을 긁으며 어머니를 부르고 있었다. 하지(下枝)만을 잃고서 어머니를 부르고 있었다 .50대 이상의 차량이 물에 빠졌을 것이다라고 말했다. 어떤 미군 장교는 500명에서 800명이 폭사(爆死)했을 것으로 추정하였고, 다른 증언자는 4천 명 이상의 사람이 다리위에 있었다고 말했다. <김동춘 '전쟁과 사회 : 우리에게 한국전쟁은 무엇이었나?' 91쪽>
당시의 전황으로 볼때 북한군이 한강에 도달하기까지는 6~8시간의 여유시간이 있었다고 한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 피난가는 사람들을 그대로 둔채 서둘러 폭파한것은 도무지 이해하기 어려운 일이다. 오죽하면 국군의 한 장성(이응덕)은 한강 다리 폭파가 인민군의 짓인 줄 알고서 "과연 적이지만 전술을 아는 놈들이구만"이라며 감탄했을까.
조기 폭파로 인명 살상은 물론 병력과 물자 수송에 막대한 타격을 입었다는 비판이 대두되자, 이승만은 나중에(8월 28일) 당시 폭파 책임을 맡았던 공병감인 대령 최창식을 '적전비행죄'로 체포해 9월 21일 사형을 집행했다.
최창식 혼자서 폭파결정을 내렸을리 만무하지만 책임은 최창식 혼자서 뒤집어 썼다. 이승만이 '각하 너무 많이 내려오셨습니다.'라는 참모들의 건의에 못이겨 대구에서 대전으로 올라왔을 때였다.
2007년 8월 25일 토요일
film scanner fixed
Finally have got my disabled film scanner fixed after long long procrastination.
Has come the time waking up all my old memories sleeping in my film box.
Helping them visualize all the bad and good as being patted on by caressing hand of recaller, I will fix them in my virtual photo frame with note.
To travel back the moment when I smiled or frowned...
when I used to be with you...
2007년 8월 24일 금요일
2007년 8월 23일 목요일
Nikon D300 announced!
OMG! Nikon has finally introduced its most advanced DX fomatted Digital SLR camera today as was heavily rumor that Nikon announed second camera body at the same time with D3 announcement. D300!!
Engineered w/ pro-level features and performance like 51point auto focus(wow!), 12.3 megapixel DX sensor(It couldn't be better only if it's full frame, but still excellent!), 3inch LCD and flag ship body and many other things that I can't explain in English. It's OMG! it's actually better than D2X. I know Nikon sometimes do crazy things and oops they did it again!
The price of D300 could be relevant parameter, it'll be obvious that street price of used D2X and D200 will drop... pretty big drop... like all the digital gear that replaced by better version had simillar fate.
I've been thinking about purchasing D2X but totally changed my mind the moment I met this news today.
it's defenately worth waiting for.
I'm gonna stick to my lovely N65 which Cate sold me for awhile or give it a shot to buy another film camera like F100 or F5 only when it's great deal.
앗싸! 드디어 니콘이 D300을 발표했다.
이제 D2X 가격이 착해지는건 시간 문제.
삼백의 가격이 얼마에 책정,발표되느냐에 따라 D2X나 D200 중고가의 하락폭이 결정되겠지만, 확실한 것은 모든 디지털기기의 운명이 그렇듯이 후속타의 공세에 밀려 D2X의 가격도 조만간 곤두박칠 칠수 밖에 없다는 것.
왕년 early apater의 짬밥으로 미루어 보건데. 앞으로 석달간 적어도 한달에 100달러씩은 떨어질 것이다.
착해져라. 착해져라. D2X
그리고 어서 젖과 꿀이 흐르는(?) 나의 품으로...
2007년 8월 18일 토요일
D2X, 70-200VR
Genghis Khan
2007년 8월 17일 금요일
Back from SF bay tour
Arriving from 5days Bay area tour, found that one flock of ants took possession of my desk, especially around the crackers that I've left on it. I threw that crackers right away but bunch of ants are still knocking about here and there on the desk looking for the disappeared provisions and some of them are climbing up my arms typing and tickling those for search. They proved once more that they are amazing creature which can survive anywhere but this discovery is not so pleasant at this time since I feel reeeeaaaly tired from 7 hours drive.
Hey, little tiny dudes. I want you to withdraw your troops whereever you came from until I wake up and get back here tomorrow morning.
I don't really wanna use my chemical weapon to commit genocide on you.
PS. Chill out, Bush. No Assault! it was jk. I don't have any chemical weapon, I know it doen't really matter to you whether it's true or no, though. :p
2007년 8월 11일 토요일
Philip Glass - Madrush
Philip Glass - Madrush part 1
Philip Glass - Madrush part 2
- piano by Branka Parlic.
This song is composed in 1981 on the occasion of the Dalai Lama's visit to New York City, its first performance was given by the composer, himself a devout Buhddist, on the organ while the Lama entered the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Later, when it was used by choreographer Lucinda Childs (who had been an important collaborator and performer in Glass's first opera Einstein on the Beach in 1976), the music was given the title of the dance it accompanied, Mad Rush.I love this dance as much as I love this song. It seems like describing and explaining what essence of Glass's music is. Emphasizing of theme by repeatation and variation of delicate sentiment. It seems expressed well by the dancer attached and bound with long white fabfic that where his music is. The boundary between creation and desctuction of tradition. His contradictory identity considered as minimalist by ppl but is actually maximalist at the same time. - sorry for vague expression, long way to go studying English yet - Anyway, I love it.
I love the original version but I appreciate this too, while some people complain about her interpretation, especially about changing note value. I guess whinners just want to say aloud that they knew this song or they can play this song and show off that they noticed her small mistake during performance. Why can't they just enjoy performance picturing beautiful scenery or reminding their most emotional moment in their lives? well.. I fortunately don't have any problem with enjoying her perfomance owing to my "poor ear" or "dull sense". I just wish I could play piano like that... I need motivation and comitment. Is there anybody who give me piano lesson regularily? I'll give you pilates session in return for the free lesson.
About Phillip Glass: Philip Glass (born January 31, 1937) is an Academy Award-nominated American composer. His music is frequently described as minimalist, though he prefers the term theater composer. He is considered one of the most influential composers of the late-20th century[1][2][3][4][5] and is widely acknowledged as a composer who has brought art music to the public (apart from precursors such as Kurt Weill and Leonard Bernstein), in creating an accessibility not previously recognized by the broader market.
Glass is extremely prolific as a composer: he has written ensemble works, operas, symphonies, concertos, film scores, and solo works. Glass counts many visual artists, writers, musicians, and directors among his friends, including Richard Serra, Chuck Close, Doris Lessing, Allen Ginsberg, Robert Wilson, John Moran, actor Bill Treacher, Godfrey Reggio, Ravi Shankar, David Bowie, the conductor Dennis Russell Davies, and electronic musician Aphex Twin, who have all collaborated with him.
He is a strong supporter of the Tibetan cause. In 1987 he co-founded the Tibet House with Columbia University professor Robert Thurman and the actor Richard Gere. He has two children from his marriage to JoAnne Akalaitis, a theater director (m. 1965, div. 1980), Zachary (b. 1969) and Juliet (b. 1971). Glass lives in New York and in Nova Scotia. [from wikipedia]
필립 글래스(Philip Glass)는 영국의 존 케이지, 독일의 스티브 라이히 등과 함께 70년대 아방가르드, 실험음악의 선구자로 꼽히는 미국의 현대음악 작곡가이며, 영화음악가이다.
그는 20세기 현대음악에 있어 가장 중요한 음악적 혁명의 한 갈래로 기록되는 형식이자 태도이자 입장이며 장르라고 할 수 있는 '미니멀리즘'을 정립시키면서 이를 영화음악에 도입, 영상과 음악의 가장 효과적이고 극대화된 실험의 완성을 이룬 음악가라고 할 수 있다.
필립 글래스 이후 영화음악 작곡에 있어 미니멀리즘은, 가장 중요한 어법의 일반형으로 정착되었다고도 할 수 있다. 가장 핵심이 되는 선율과 리듬을 끊임없이 반복, 변주함으로써 핵심적 주제와 그를 둘러싼 정서나 분위기를 아주 뚜렷하게 부각시키는 무척 공격적인 태도에 입각한 미니멀리즘적 창작태도는, 회화나 설치미술, 건축, 마임, 연극, 무용 등 인접 예술장르와 연관되어 20세기 후반 유럽과 미국을 중심으로 한 실험적이고 진보적인 예술창작의 에너지를 앤디 워홀을 필두로 한 팝아트적 교배 단계를 거쳤다. 그리하여 현대예술의, 혹은 예술가의 기호학적 역할이나 기술과 철학의 관계라는 근원적 명제에 깊은 긴장과 논란을 야기시키기도 했다.
이를테면 앤디 워홀의 작품으로 유명한 마릴린 몬로의 스틸을 색깔만 바꾸어 수십 개의, 혹은 그 이상의 수량으로 반복 카피하여 전체의 큰 프레임을 채우는 식의 작법은, 너저분한 잡지의 표지나 컷 한 장이 가질 수 있는 잠재적 웅변력처럼, 가장 저급하고 다루기 쉬운 피사체를 가장 극단적인 방법-크게, 그리고 반복하여 보여주는-을 통해 역설적이면서도 어떤 혁명적이고도 추상적인 이율배반형의 메시지를 던지듯 전달함으로써 관객이나 청자로 하여금 낯설음과 익숙함을 일정한 시간의 진행 속에서 스스로 경험하도록 한다. 결국 관객 혹은 청자는 작가가 전달하고자 하는 추상적이면서도 가장 구체적인 그 기호와 주제에 대하여 예/아니오라는 의사표현을 할 수 있게 하는 것이다.
이렇게 미니멀리즘이라는 장르 혹은 입장은 그를 견지하는 작가의 태도가 갖는 강한 정체성을 뚜렷하게 보여준다. 어느 음악유파보다도.
필립 글래스는 현대음악 작곡가, 연주자로서 클래식과 대중음악의 요소와 인적 자원을 자유롭게 활용, 자신만의 독특한 음악세계와 아우라를 형성했다. 이를테면 그룹 도어즈의 키보디스트로 유명했던 레이 만자렉과 함께 카르미나 부라바를 만들었고, 팝가수 린다 론스타트와 함께 1,000 Airplanes On The Roof라는 뮤직드라마를 만들기도 했듯이.
영화의 경우, 특히 소위 B급 영화라고 불리우는 호러, 오컬트나 다큐멘터리류의 독립영화나 실험적이고 전위적인 영화목록(candyman, mishima, koyaanisqatsi, thin blue line, powaqqatsi)에서 그의 음악을 주로 만날 수 있는데, 이는 필립 글래스의 음악이 단순한 배경음악이나 메인타이틀, 엔딩 타이틀 등의 식으로 영화속 여기저기 관습적으로 삽입되는 것이 아니라, 영화 전편을 통해 영상을 억누르듯 일관되게 바닷물처럼 흘러가는 것에서 느낄 수 있듯 작곡자 자신의 자유롭고 풍성한 음악을 펼치기에 적합한 작품들을 만난 결과라고도 할 수 있겠다. 물론 최근의 미국 메이저 영화인 트루먼쇼의 경우는 다소 예외지만, 크게 빗나가지는 않는다.
또 음악에서 인디언 문화나 아시아적 코드를 유럽의 고딕적 양식과 하이브리드시킨 결과들에서 볼 수 있듯, 필립 글래스는 근원적이고 고답적인 존재의 비밀을 탐구하는 탐험가이면서도 문명과 생명의 변화, 충돌, 변종, 집단과 개인, 불규칙한 역사성 등으로 연상되는 다문화적, 생물학적 역사를 음악으로 설명하고 싶은건지도 모른다.
어쨌든, 너무 많은 것들을 한두 주제 선율 속에 은밀히 함축하고 숨겨놓은 금석문처럼 그 출입구를 쉽사리 열지 않는 필립 글래스의 음악은 궁극적으로 인간과 문화, 역사라는 것의 근본적 부조리함을 기호학적으로 설명하기 위해 음악하는 것은 아닐까.
왜냐하면 그의 음악을, 특히 영화와 함께 만들어진 음악들을 들으면 영화 속 인물과 상황들이 갖는 슬픈 정서와 더불어 도저히 타인에 의해서 구제받을 수 없는 근원적 질병의 당사자로서의 인간이 들고 있는 절대고독 그리고 '에셔'의 유명한 복합계단 그립이나 뫼비우스의 띠에서 볼 수 있는 시간과 언어와 공간의 반복성, 그리고 열림과 닫힘이 공존하는 이율배반의 질서를 무기력하게 그러나 분명하게 인식하며 이성과 감정의 무의미함을 재삼 생각하게 되는 때문이다. - 출처 : 음악창고, 네이버 백과사전
2007년 8월 10일 금요일
Wanted : English version of Le voyage d'Hector
"꾸뻬씨의 행복 여행"의 영문판을 찾기위해 한시간을 컴퓨터 앞에 앉아있었다.
구글, 야후 같은 검색엔진은 물론 아마존, Barns & nobles, borders bookstore등 내가 아는 모든 online bookstore를 이잡듯 뒤졌는데도 보이질 않는다. 즉 현재로써의 결론은 영문판이 출.판.되.지.않.았.다.는.것.이.다.
이 책이 2004년 현재 전세계 12개국의 언어로 출간되었고, 프랑스와 독일에서 베스트셀러, 전 유럽에서 가장 많이 읽히고 있는 책이라는 점을 감안한다면 이점은 쉽게 납득이 가질 않는다. 나는 어제 잠자리에 들기전 이 책을 집어들었다가 단숨에 끝까지 읽어내렸고, 작가의 통찰력과 구성력이 곱씹고 싶어져서 아침에 일어나 발췌독으로 또 다시 한번 읽어 내렸다. 이 글을 쓰는 지금도 이 책이 뿜어낸 삶의 지혜가 코끝에 은은한 가운데, 이 책이 영문판으로 출간 되지 않았다는 사실이 믿기지가 않는다. 이 책은 올해, 아니 근 몇년간 내가 읽은 책들중에 가장 spiritual한 책중 하나이기 때문이다.
세상에서 가장 정신과의사가 많은 나라란 부분이 맘에 안들어서일까 아니면 식민제국주의에 대해 비판적인 작가의 견해가 못마땅해서일까? 아무리 자국에대해 부정적인 시각이 깔려있어도 그렇지 여기가 무슨 북한같은 전체주의 사회도 아니고... 서구열강의 과거 침략제국주의에 대한 자성적인 (그래서 지성적인) 작가의 역사관이 이야기 배경에 살짝 묻어났을뿐이지 -그렇기에 더 convincible 하고 influential하긴 하겠지만- 누구누구의 탓이라며 지적하고 비난하고 있는것도 아닌데...
만약 그런 연유로 이 책이 영국과 미국을 비롯한 영어권국가에서 한권도 출간되지 않았다면 (적어도 내겐) 실로 충격적인 일이 아닐 수 없다.
한국사회의 전체주의적인 획일성과 권위주의라는 경직성이 싫어서 이 나라로 떠나왔는데, 지식과 사상을 공유하는 자유가 자본의 논리 혹은 이데올로기의 옹호를 위해 제한되고 침해받는 곳이라면 도대체 이곳이 북한과 (어마어마한 자원을 소비하며 지구를 망가뜨리는것 외에) 뭐가 다를게 있으며 난 이곳에서 앞으로 무엇을 배워야 한단 말인가?
Are there anybody looking for English version of "Le voyage d'Hector ou la recherche du bonheur" by Francois Lelord for me?
PS. I recieved interesting mail from my Canadian friend, Cate who speaks in both English and French. actually some more language making me feel jealous of her, anyway...
"AJ, this book does sound great. and that's probably why it's not in English. And they think there is freedom of the press here!" said she. Interesting but disappointing. I got couple of friends who studied journalism in U.S and become a journalist for newspaper company. That remark seems to give me a good clue why they become so stupid and prejudiced.
구글, 야후 같은 검색엔진은 물론 아마존, Barns & nobles, borders bookstore등 내가 아는 모든 online bookstore를 이잡듯 뒤졌는데도 보이질 않는다. 즉 현재로써의 결론은 영문판이 출.판.되.지.않.았.다.는.것.이.다.
이 책이 2004년 현재 전세계 12개국의 언어로 출간되었고, 프랑스와 독일에서 베스트셀러, 전 유럽에서 가장 많이 읽히고 있는 책이라는 점을 감안한다면 이점은 쉽게 납득이 가질 않는다. 나는 어제 잠자리에 들기전 이 책을 집어들었다가 단숨에 끝까지 읽어내렸고, 작가의 통찰력과 구성력이 곱씹고 싶어져서 아침에 일어나 발췌독으로 또 다시 한번 읽어 내렸다. 이 글을 쓰는 지금도 이 책이 뿜어낸 삶의 지혜가 코끝에 은은한 가운데, 이 책이 영문판으로 출간 되지 않았다는 사실이 믿기지가 않는다. 이 책은 올해, 아니 근 몇년간 내가 읽은 책들중에 가장 spiritual한 책중 하나이기 때문이다.
세상에서 가장 정신과의사가 많은 나라란 부분이 맘에 안들어서일까 아니면 식민제국주의에 대해 비판적인 작가의 견해가 못마땅해서일까? 아무리 자국에대해 부정적인 시각이 깔려있어도 그렇지 여기가 무슨 북한같은 전체주의 사회도 아니고... 서구열강의 과거 침략제국주의에 대한 자성적인 (그래서 지성적인) 작가의 역사관이 이야기 배경에 살짝 묻어났을뿐이지 -그렇기에 더 convincible 하고 influential하긴 하겠지만- 누구누구의 탓이라며 지적하고 비난하고 있는것도 아닌데...
만약 그런 연유로 이 책이 영국과 미국을 비롯한 영어권국가에서 한권도 출간되지 않았다면 (적어도 내겐) 실로 충격적인 일이 아닐 수 없다.
한국사회의 전체주의적인 획일성과 권위주의라는 경직성이 싫어서 이 나라로 떠나왔는데, 지식과 사상을 공유하는 자유가 자본의 논리 혹은 이데올로기의 옹호를 위해 제한되고 침해받는 곳이라면 도대체 이곳이 북한과 (어마어마한 자원을 소비하며 지구를 망가뜨리는것 외에) 뭐가 다를게 있으며 난 이곳에서 앞으로 무엇을 배워야 한단 말인가?
Are there anybody looking for English version of "Le voyage d'Hector ou la recherche du bonheur" by Francois Lelord for me?
PS. I recieved interesting mail from my Canadian friend, Cate who speaks in both English and French. actually some more language making me feel jealous of her, anyway...
"AJ, this book does sound great. and that's probably why it's not in English. And they think there is freedom of the press here!" said she. Interesting but disappointing. I got couple of friends who studied journalism in U.S and become a journalist for newspaper company. That remark seems to give me a good clue why they become so stupid and prejudiced.
2007년 8월 8일 수요일
Let's save the earth
"Well..You know, there's an old cliche(판에 밖힌 표현) about the way the Chinese write the word 'crisis.' they have two symbol back to back. The first means danger(위험危險) and the second means opporunity.(기회機會 - 위기危機란 말을 의미하는듯..) And we sometimes emphasize the danger in a crisis without focusing on the opportunities that are there. we should feel a great sense of urgency because it is the most dangerous crisis we have ever faced by far."
"what people can do is to contact your elective representative, congress man, senator, also your major, also the governer, state representatives. And let them know you believe that this is the number one priority. Start by learning about it. Inform yourself. Go to the movie, read the book, go to the website world climate crisis.net Learn for yourself in ways that enable you to express yourself and then confront with them and tell them you not going anywhere until they deal with this."
I hope 'An Inconvenient Truth' will be seen and read by as many people as possible.(Just 10 bucks at B&N. c'mon!) We should feel a great sense of urgency as Al gore said.
I feel sorry that hybirid car is still too expensive to buy for me.
2007년 8월 6일 월요일
서른 즈음에...
더이상 젋지 않지만 그렇다고 아직 늙지도 않은 나이.
어느 누구도 젋다고 부르기를 그치지 않지만, 스스로 젋다고 내세우기엔 어색하게 느껴진다 이야기한 잉게르볼그바흐만의 삼십세.
서른, 잔치는 끝났다던 최영미와
이렇게 살수도 저렇게 죽을 수도 없을때 삼십이 찾아온다던 최승자.
삼십이란 그렇게 청춘과 젊음의 끝이며 또다른 방황의 시작인지도 모르겠다.
하지만, 삼십이란 삼십년쯤 세상이 휘둘르는대로 허우적거리다가
이제 겨우 스스로의 생각과 기준대로 살기 시작하는 그런 나이가 아닐까 싶다.
더이상 청춘의 끓는 피로 치기어린 시행착오를 반복하지 않고
세상의 기준이 나의 기준이라 착각하지도 않으며,
나만의 온건한 잣대로 세상을 바라보게 되는...
뜨거운 가슴과 차가운 이성의 이상적인 조화를 깨닫기 시작하는 나이.
어쩌면 서른은 진정한 자신을 찾아 떠나는
또다른 여행의 시작을 알리는 신호음인지도 모른다.
One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice --
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
"Mend my life!"
each voice cried.
But you didn't stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
어느 날 당신은
무엇을 해야 할지 깨달았고
마침내 그것을 시작했다.
당신을 둘러싸고 있던 목소리들은
불길한 충고를 하고
온 집안이 들썩이고
오랜 습관이 발목을 잡고
목소리들이 저마다
인생을 책임지라고 소리쳤지만
당신은 멈추지 않았다.
거센 바람이 주춧돌을 흔들고
그들의 슬픔은 너무나 깊었지만
당신은 무엇을 해야 할지 알았다.
-----------------Mary Oliver [The Journey]
더이상 젋지 않지만 그렇다고 아직 늙지도 않은 나이.
어느 누구도 젋다고 부르기를 그치지 않지만, 스스로 젋다고 내세우기엔 어색하게 느껴진다 이야기한 잉게르볼그바흐만의 삼십세.
서른, 잔치는 끝났다던 최영미와
이렇게 살수도 저렇게 죽을 수도 없을때 삼십이 찾아온다던 최승자.
삼십이란 그렇게 청춘과 젊음의 끝이며 또다른 방황의 시작인지도 모르겠다.
하지만, 삼십이란 삼십년쯤 세상이 휘둘르는대로 허우적거리다가
이제 겨우 스스로의 생각과 기준대로 살기 시작하는 그런 나이가 아닐까 싶다.
더이상 청춘의 끓는 피로 치기어린 시행착오를 반복하지 않고
세상의 기준이 나의 기준이라 착각하지도 않으며,
나만의 온건한 잣대로 세상을 바라보게 되는...
뜨거운 가슴과 차가운 이성의 이상적인 조화를 깨닫기 시작하는 나이.
어쩌면 서른은 진정한 자신을 찾아 떠나는
또다른 여행의 시작을 알리는 신호음인지도 모른다.
One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice --
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
"Mend my life!"
each voice cried.
But you didn't stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
어느 날 당신은
무엇을 해야 할지 깨달았고
마침내 그것을 시작했다.
당신을 둘러싸고 있던 목소리들은
불길한 충고를 하고
온 집안이 들썩이고
오랜 습관이 발목을 잡고
목소리들이 저마다
인생을 책임지라고 소리쳤지만
당신은 멈추지 않았다.
거센 바람이 주춧돌을 흔들고
그들의 슬픔은 너무나 깊었지만
당신은 무엇을 해야 할지 알았다.
-----------------Mary Oliver [The Journey]
What to read...
My New Camera Set
I've lost my camera sets 2months ago. Some bastard broke in my car and stole my 2 cameras (Nikon D50 and F4s) and 5 lenses. Despite my friends would advise me not to leave anything in my car when I'm away from it since LA is tough city, I wasn't careful at the moment so that I sufferd more than 4 thousands dollars worth of damage. Hence, I had to manage my photography life with just Nikon N65 film camera and one zoom lense recently so far. I need Digital SLR so much considering high price of purchasing and developing film. Somehow or other, I happened to buy 2 more film cameras this weekend. well... I've been searching for DSLR camera on craig list and yet what I found was not ad of selling DSLR but one about 2 manual film cameras with incredible price. they were minolta X-700 and Nikon FE2 and they both are in my hand now. Both are legendary mecanical cameras and I have my early 20s' nostalgia of taking picures with one of them when I majored in architecture in undergraduate school. I used to handle Nikon FE2 owned by architecture club but never owned it since its price was too high for poor myself at that time to dare. Anyway as time flies, all old goodies' price bacame so nice. I bought these two camera out of nostalgia and unmaterialized desire of my-20yrs-old-self. I just paid 170 bucks for both include 2 single lense, 2 zoom lense and 2 strobe lights, which is unbelievable price on not only reflecting those original price but also considering those used market price.( current market price is like 200 for one camera and one sigle lense).
2007년 7월 30일 월요일
I'll wait for you forever...
당신을 영원히 기다릴 거에요...
I'll wait for you here until you come back... even if it takes forever....
Hachi Story (八チ公物語)
하치 이야기
하치이야기는 스필버그,스탠리 큐브릭의 A.I. 스토리와 더불어 내가 아는 가장 순수한 사랑이야기중 하나이다. 오늘 수업이 끝난후 도서관에 잠시 들렀다 우연히 서가에 나란히 꽂혀있는 하치이야기 두권을 발견했다. 삼년전 일로 기억하는데, 난 학교 도서관에서 이 책을 읽다 쪽팔리게 훌쩍훌쩍 울었던 적이 있다.(다큰놈이 울긴..ㅋ) 평생을 같은곳에 나가 주인을 기다린 강아지라니... 아마 가장 순수한 사랑은 그런 빛깔을 띠고 있을 것이다. (그러고 보니 내가 아는 가장 아름다운 사랑이야기의 주인공은 둘다 강아지와 로봇으로 사람이 아니다.) 지금 막 인터넷을 검색해보니 이 이야기가 몇해전 일본에서 영화로 제작되었다던데, 순수한 일본혈통 아키타견을 강조하는 카피문구가 참으로 일본스럽다는 생각이 들긴 하지만 새벽무렵 홀로 동대문극장구석에 앉아 여민가슴으로 A.I.를 봤던 기억이 떠올라 어떻게 한번 구해보고 싶기는 하다. 퉁퉁부은 눈으로 떠오르는 아침햇살을 맞으며 성수대교위에서 차창을 반쯤 내렸을때 뜨거운 얼굴위로 날아와 꽂혔던 강바람의 시원함이란... 뿌연 감정의 찌꺼기들을 말끔히 씻어 내리던 눈물의 정화. 카타르시스란 바로 그런 것일 것이다. 그리고 요즘 난 그런것들이 무척이나 그립다.
오른쪽 상단의 사진은 작년 가을 베트남 사파를 여행하다 찍은 강아지 사진인데, 매일매일 주인을 기다리다 결국 시부야역 동상이 되어버린 강아지 하치는 순수혈통보다는 오히려 저런 잡종 강아지가 더 어울리지 않을까싶어 함께 포스팅한다. 모든 아름다운 사랑이야기가 모두 멋진 주인공들의 전유물일 필요는 없으니까...
Hachi Story
Hachi story is the most beautiful story I have ever known including A.I. of Steven Sphiberg and Stanley Kubrick. Hachi is the name of dog, who waited for his master until forever. This dog escorted his master to the subway station each day, when the professor took a train to the university. The dog would be dutifully waiting for his master to return on the evening train. When the professor died one day all of sudden by accident, the dog waited forlornly for his master to return. The dog returned to the station every evening, for over a decade afterwards until the dog finally died of old age and sickness. I found out this book in the library next to school and it reminds me the old memory of sobbing myself into reading this in my university library. I found that this story made as film in Japan while ago, after searching it on internet. The dog in the movie poster must be Hachi and yet I want Hachi would be little bit ugly like the picture above that I took while traveling Sapa in Vietnam. I am kinda discontented with the stereotype which the good looking always play heroes... even if in the beautiful story like this.
하치이야기는 스필버그,스탠리 큐브릭의 A.I. 스토리와 더불어 내가 아는 가장 순수한 사랑이야기중 하나이다. 오늘 수업이 끝난후 도서관에 잠시 들렀다 우연히 서가에 나란히 꽂혀있는 하치이야기 두권을 발견했다. 삼년전 일로 기억하는데, 난 학교 도서관에서 이 책을 읽다 쪽팔리게 훌쩍훌쩍 울었던 적이 있다.(다큰놈이 울긴..ㅋ) 평생을 같은곳에 나가 주인을 기다린 강아지라니... 아마 가장 순수한 사랑은 그런 빛깔을 띠고 있을 것이다. (그러고 보니 내가 아는 가장 아름다운 사랑이야기의 주인공은 둘다 강아지와 로봇으로 사람이 아니다.) 지금 막 인터넷을 검색해보니 이 이야기가 몇해전 일본에서 영화로 제작되었다던데, 순수한 일본혈통 아키타견을 강조하는 카피문구가 참으로 일본스럽다는 생각이 들긴 하지만 새벽무렵 홀로 동대문극장구석에 앉아 여민가슴으로 A.I.를 봤던 기억이 떠올라 어떻게 한번 구해보고 싶기는 하다. 퉁퉁부은 눈으로 떠오르는 아침햇살을 맞으며 성수대교위에서 차창을 반쯤 내렸을때 뜨거운 얼굴위로 날아와 꽂혔던 강바람의 시원함이란... 뿌연 감정의 찌꺼기들을 말끔히 씻어 내리던 눈물의 정화. 카타르시스란 바로 그런 것일 것이다. 그리고 요즘 난 그런것들이 무척이나 그립다.
오른쪽 상단의 사진은 작년 가을 베트남 사파를 여행하다 찍은 강아지 사진인데, 매일매일 주인을 기다리다 결국 시부야역 동상이 되어버린 강아지 하치는 순수혈통보다는 오히려 저런 잡종 강아지가 더 어울리지 않을까싶어 함께 포스팅한다. 모든 아름다운 사랑이야기가 모두 멋진 주인공들의 전유물일 필요는 없으니까...
Hachi story is the most beautiful story I have ever known including A.I. of Steven Sphiberg and Stanley Kubrick. Hachi is the name of dog, who waited for his master until forever. This dog escorted his master to the subway station each day, when the professor took a train to the university. The dog would be dutifully waiting for his master to return on the evening train. When the professor died one day all of sudden by accident, the dog waited forlornly for his master to return. The dog returned to the station every evening, for over a decade afterwards until the dog finally died of old age and sickness. I found out this book in the library next to school and it reminds me the old memory of sobbing myself into reading this in my university library. I found that this story made as film in Japan while ago, after searching it on internet. The dog in the movie poster must be Hachi and yet I want Hachi would be little bit ugly like the picture above that I took while traveling Sapa in Vietnam. I am kinda discontented with the stereotype which the good looking always play heroes... even if in the beautiful story like this.
What to read...
What to read this week
1. 두글자의 철학 (김용석)
2. Kuhn vs Popper : The Struggle for the Soul of Science (Revolutions in Science Series)
by Steve Fuller, John Turney (Editor)
3. 놀이와 예술 그리고 상상력 (진중권)
* I gave up reading Kuhn vs Popper at last. I found out Korean version on internet bookstore and ordered it. I had better try it as Korean when it arrives. Too much for my clumzy English. -.-;
start to learn violin
I started to learn playing violin from today.
Personal lesson by LA phil harmony orchestra violinist will be taken for 2 or 3 times in a week. Amazing point is it's all free except membership charge $80 per month.
It's a kind of conditoinal contract. When I play well enough after practicing 1 year, I have to join the Orchestra, participate in practice once a week and give a performance in the concerts that LA Phil-harmony Orchestra give regularily. Simply put, I become a conditional trainee. well.. Nothing to lose for me.
It's just first lesson but my teacher patted me on the back that I am a potential.
Happy about having my own instructor. I know how it is difficult to learn instrument without instructor since I've been on it with piano.
The violin is a bowed string instrument with four strings tuned in perfect fifths. It is the smallest and highest-pitched member of the violin family of string instruments, which also includes the viola and cello.
A violin is sometimes informally called a fiddle, no matter what kind of music is played on it. The word "violin" comes to us through the Romance languages from the Middle Latin word vitula, meaning "stringed instrument";[1] this word may also be the source of the Germanic "fiddle".
A person who plays the violin is called a violinist or fiddler, and a person who makes or repairs them is called a luthier, or simply a violin maker. (from Wikipedia)
Personal lesson by LA phil harmony orchestra violinist will be taken for 2 or 3 times in a week. Amazing point is it's all free except membership charge $80 per month.
It's a kind of conditoinal contract. When I play well enough after practicing 1 year, I have to join the Orchestra, participate in practice once a week and give a performance in the concerts that LA Phil-harmony Orchestra give regularily. Simply put, I become a conditional trainee. well.. Nothing to lose for me.
It's just first lesson but my teacher patted me on the back that I am a potential.
Happy about having my own instructor. I know how it is difficult to learn instrument without instructor since I've been on it with piano.
A violin is sometimes informally called a fiddle, no matter what kind of music is played on it. The word "violin" comes to us through the Romance languages from the Middle Latin word vitula, meaning "stringed instrument";[1] this word may also be the source of the Germanic "fiddle".
A person who plays the violin is called a violinist or fiddler, and a person who makes or repairs them is called a luthier, or simply a violin maker. (from Wikipedia)
South Park* Uses and Abuses* “N-word*”
South Park, interesting.
I want to watch "the hit cable animated series" too
But I don't have cable.ㅡ.,ㅡ;
Anyway, script below for those who can't understand this by only listening like me. enjoy!
PS. I repeated listening this 10times this morning. now I don't need script. -.ㅡV
[South Park* Uses and Abuses* “N-word*”]
HUGH RIMINTON, CNN Anchor: Known generally just simply as the “N-word”, it has sparked a lot of debate in the United States. Now the racial slur is taking center stage in the hit TV show South Park. Sibila Vargas reports.
[STAN’S FATHER(South Park)]: I know it, but I don’t think I should say it.
SIBILA VARGAS, CNN Correspondent: But he does say it. In fact, to kick off its 11th season, the hit cable animated series South Park uses the N-word more than 40 times.
The episode starts with one character reluctantly and mistakenly offering the racial slur as an answer on a game show. In an ironic role reversal, he finds himself the object of hate for actually using the word.
[STAN’S FATHER(South Park)]: Please, I don’t want any trouble.
[UNIDENTIFIED MALE 1(South Park)]: Well, you got trouble when you first decided to slander an entire race of people on Wheel of Fortune!
VARGAS: A man faces the same abuse, discrimination and crime associated with the original African-American victims.
[UNIDENTIFIED MALE 2(South Park)]: Hey, what do you think you’re doing?
[STAN’S FATHER(South Park)]: I just need some aspirin.
[UNIDENTIFIED MALE 2(South Park)]: You aren’t welcome in this store, “Nigger Guy”!
VARGAS: While some might find any use of the Nword inflammatory, some members of the black community praise the episode’s portrayal of discrimination.
ANDREW MARKELL, South Park Viewer: It’s not really the word that’s important. Look at what’s going on inside, you know. That’s what I got.
VARGAS: Kovon and Jill Flowers, who co-founded the organization Abolish the “N” Word, tell CNN that in this case using it was appropriate. (Quote) “This show, in its own comedic way, is helping to educate people about the power of this word and how it feels to have hate language directed at you.” Daily Variety’s TV Editor Mike Schneider says it all needs to be taken in context.
MIKE SCHNEIDER, Daily Variety TV Editor: You can’t just take it on surface what they did on the show. To some degree, there’s a complicated story line and you have to watch the entire episode to get to sort of the moral at the end. (STAN: I’ll never really get how it feels for a black person to have somebody use the N-word.) It’s typical South Park M.O., which is, let’s take something that people are talking about that’s kind of uncomfortable and really throw it out there, really take it to the limit, take it to the edge.
VARGAS: While neither Comedy Central nor the show’s creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, would comment on this episode, over the years the top-rated show has targeted just about every sensitive subject. Catholics have taken issue with some of the show’s subject matter; so have Scientologists, gays and lesbians.
[STAN(South Park)]: This is a gay.
SCHNEIDER: South Park is immune because they’ve been on for so many years. They’ve been so successful. They’re cartoon characters. They can get away with a lot and they have throughout the years.
VARGAS: Controversy that over the years has translated into big ratings. Sibila Vargas, CNN, Hollywood.
2007년 7월 25일 수요일
Review on PINKs HotDogs
This is continuer of afternoon writing class task.
Today, new students from HanSeo Univ. joined the class. They will study for about 10 weeks from now on.
They would be third group from HSU since I've arrived in LA, I guess. (there might be more but I unfortunately couldn't remember 'cause I rarely came to school for the first couple of months for traveling.)
It seemed that I didn't know much of them in opposition to my willing to know them better since I have decided not to speak in Korean in class-room. The fact that having conversation in English with Korean is akward seemed to make me talk less than I wanted to.
I hope not that make you get me wrong as an unsociable guy or american wannabe who avoids talking to Korean. I love my people, Koreans. I'm far away from being nationalist or blind patriot but I'm still a Korean who hot blood and strong affection to my country stir up inside. I appreciate their humanity and generosity based on affection(정情), noble mind loves art and nature, tireless sprit against injustice and dectatorship. (The reason I used the possessive pronoun "their" instead of "our" in the prior sentence is I think I need to maintain a objective attitude toward my country to judge my country better.) I could feel all the good aspects as Koreans I mentioned above from young students who went back to Korea and have just arrived here.
Despite above I'll stick to my principle not speaking in Korean in class.
School is only place that I can practice my English since I don't have English native speaker roommate.
Eventhough the reason why I adhere to speaking in English doesn't help us get closer plz try to understand this poor old guy who came to America after making 30 and is struggling fiercely. I can't afford to fool around.
I still welcome all the questions about this area though... place to hang out or dine out, how to cope with unfamiliar situation as a FOB(Fresh off the Boat...like me), just shoot me any question, I'm glad to help you.
OK... enough about you and me, then Let's move on. HOTDOG!!!
I'd like to introduce you the most famous and oldest HOTDOG Stand in California... maybe in the US.
If you have a chance to pass by melose and la brea street at night, You will see people wait in long line in front of a Hotdog Stand without fail. That's PINKs HotDogs. 67yrs old hotdog stand.
I had a good and bad memory together with the hotdog bar. Bad one is I had first car crash by drunken stupid party animal (but it was minor collision), good one is that I made two friend while I was waiting in the line.
Yes, right... Everything has pros and cons. You have to wait half to 1 hour to try one hot or chilly dog but that time give you chance to practice your English and even make friends. Just don't be shy! You can easily find the subject to start your conversation there because it became a kind of historical place. You can see lot of famous ppl and celebirities pictures on the wall with autographies and comments say like "I love this place forever" or "This is my favorite hotdog". Just start your conversation with asking who the people on the wall are. 1hour will fly quickly while you're enjoying conversation.
Well.. Let's take up the main subject. review on PINKs. Instead of giving stars for evaluation, let me evaluate by note.
Food: First of all, it's huuuuge. You will satisfied by the portion if you have great appetite. about taste, I can judge that. you know.. taste is very subjective. it was nice to my tongue. You try yourself and judge it!
Parking: Good luck finding parking, you'll end up parking on the street and if you get a spot in the parking lot (I hope it wasn't Conway's parking lot, I wasn't paying attention for the first time), it'll be packed and I found it cramped. One good thing is that it's free!
Wait: You're waiting in a line...30 minutes to an hour, depending on the hour of the day...
Service: Service is so-so. I did not find them very friendly but bearable. Two old lady and gengleman on the right are founder and owner of Pinks but never dream of seeing them there. They never show up there, they are really busy with enjoying their life. You can meet slightly tough emplyees instead of them.
Seating: Self Seat.. means that you don't need to give tip. Save money.. good, huh? If you visit daytime, patio backyard is nice to enjoy food. I took lot of picture of birds there. they don't afraid of people at all. They will sometimes try to steal your hotdog. watch out!
Warning: Don't try with the first date. If you are female, you never look neat after meal. kkk
If you are male, your partner will blame you. I recommend you try blue berry yogurt a block away on melose to win her heart.
Well... this is one of must-try place in LA. I'm not sure that you will enjoy this big historical hotdog but I'm sure that it will be a nice experience to wait in the line and chat with people. Waiting in so loooong line for food patiently. It's a part of learning American culture. Enjoy!
For more information, visit PINK's HotDogs
Today, new students from HanSeo Univ. joined the class. They will study for about 10 weeks from now on.
They would be third group from HSU since I've arrived in LA, I guess. (there might be more but I unfortunately couldn't remember 'cause I rarely came to school for the first couple of months for traveling.)
It seemed that I didn't know much of them in opposition to my willing to know them better since I have decided not to speak in Korean in class-room. The fact that having conversation in English with Korean is akward seemed to make me talk less than I wanted to.
I hope not that make you get me wrong as an unsociable guy or american wannabe who avoids talking to Korean. I love my people, Koreans. I'm far away from being nationalist or blind patriot but I'm still a Korean who hot blood and strong affection to my country stir up inside. I appreciate their humanity and generosity based on affection(정情), noble mind loves art and nature, tireless sprit against injustice and dectatorship. (The reason I used the possessive pronoun "their" instead of "our" in the prior sentence is I think I need to maintain a objective attitude toward my country to judge my country better.) I could feel all the good aspects as Koreans I mentioned above from young students who went back to Korea and have just arrived here.
Despite above I'll stick to my principle not speaking in Korean in class.
School is only place that I can practice my English since I don't have English native speaker roommate.
Eventhough the reason why I adhere to speaking in English doesn't help us get closer plz try to understand this poor old guy who came to America after making 30 and is struggling fiercely. I can't afford to fool around.
I still welcome all the questions about this area though... place to hang out or dine out, how to cope with unfamiliar situation as a FOB(Fresh off the Boat...like me), just shoot me any question, I'm glad to help you.
OK... enough about you and me, then Let's move on. HOTDOG!!!
I'd like to introduce you the most famous and oldest HOTDOG Stand in California... maybe in the US.
If you have a chance to pass by melose and la brea street at night, You will see people wait in long line in front of a Hotdog Stand without fail. That's PINKs HotDogs. 67yrs old hotdog stand.
I had a good and bad memory together with the hotdog bar. Bad one is I had first car crash by drunken stupid party animal (but it was minor collision), good one is that I made two friend while I was waiting in the line.
Yes, right... Everything has pros and cons. You have to wait half to 1 hour to try one hot or chilly dog but that time give you chance to practice your English and even make friends. Just don't be shy! You can easily find the subject to start your conversation there because it became a kind of historical place. You can see lot of famous ppl and celebirities pictures on the wall with autographies and comments say like "I love this place forever" or "This is my favorite hotdog". Just start your conversation with asking who the people on the wall are. 1hour will fly quickly while you're enjoying conversation.
Well.. Let's take up the main subject. review on PINKs. Instead of giving stars for evaluation, let me evaluate by note.
Food: First of all, it's huuuuge. You will satisfied by the portion if you have great appetite. about taste, I can judge that. you know.. taste is very subjective. it was nice to my tongue. You try yourself and judge it!
Parking: Good luck finding parking, you'll end up parking on the street and if you get a spot in the parking lot (I hope it wasn't Conway's parking lot, I wasn't paying attention for the first time), it'll be packed and I found it cramped. One good thing is that it's free!
Wait: You're waiting in a line...30 minutes to an hour, depending on the hour of the day...
Service: Service is so-so. I did not find them very friendly but bearable. Two old lady and gengleman on the right are founder and owner of Pinks but never dream of seeing them there. They never show up there, they are really busy with enjoying their life. You can meet slightly tough emplyees instead of them.
Seating: Self Seat.. means that you don't need to give tip. Save money.. good, huh? If you visit daytime, patio backyard is nice to enjoy food. I took lot of picture of birds there. they don't afraid of people at all. They will sometimes try to steal your hotdog. watch out!
Warning: Don't try with the first date. If you are female, you never look neat after meal. kkk
If you are male, your partner will blame you. I recommend you try blue berry yogurt a block away on melose to win her heart.
Well... this is one of must-try place in LA. I'm not sure that you will enjoy this big historical hotdog but I'm sure that it will be a nice experience to wait in the line and chat with people. Waiting in so loooong line for food patiently. It's a part of learning American culture. Enjoy!
For more information, visit PINK's HotDogs
review on... (writing class task)
It's in the middle of writing class.
i gotta write some reviews on something...movie, restaurant, place, shop... whatever i have experienced. It is strange phenomenon happen to me that everytime I feel pressure to write something, all the idea in my head seem to disappear all of sudden. Eventhough I always have something to say about something since I'm a big whinner. Now I'm facing the same problem. well... what am I supposed to write about?
I don't know...
Now we are moving to other class room since we don't have enough seat for student.
I don't like paper writing. My penmenship is terrible.
i gotta write some reviews on something...movie, restaurant, place, shop... whatever i have experienced. It is strange phenomenon happen to me that everytime I feel pressure to write something, all the idea in my head seem to disappear all of sudden. Eventhough I always have something to say about something since I'm a big whinner. Now I'm facing the same problem. well... what am I supposed to write about?
I don't know...
Now we are moving to other class room since we don't have enough seat for student.
I don't like paper writing. My penmenship is terrible.
No more Ghetto bird!!
2007년 7월 23일 월요일
What to read...
What to read this week.
1. The Geography of thought: How asians and westerners think diffrently... and why (by Richard Nisbett)
2. 서양과 동양이 127일간 e-mail을 주고 받다. (김용석, 이승환)
3. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order 문명의 충돌 (by Samuel P. Huntington)
4. 현대 물리학과 동양사상 The Tao of Physics (by Fritjof Capra)
2007년 7월 22일 일요일
19.3% of 20~30's Korean considered "forging school background"
20~30대 성인 남녀 19.3% "학력 위조 생각했다."
19.3% of 20~30's Korean considered "forging school background"
Shame on you Koreans.
Not only she, career fabricator but the Korean society provoking people to forge their academic career is to blame.
How long would you stick to factionalism?
2007년 7월 21일 토요일
leisure weekend
doing laundries, washing piled up dishes, cleanning messy house... reading some books arrived from Korea.
Weekend at liberty.
Weekend at liberty.
Dining out in P.F. Chang
The 1st trial on P.F. Chang.
Been wanting to try this chinese bistro since I heard it tastes just right to Koreans. (Some ppl complain it's not authentic, but I'm ok with it. Authentic Chinese food is too greasy for my tongue.)
Everytime I looked at the restaurant passing by it to park my car in beverly ctr parking lot, there have always been long lines seem to be never short, so I didn't dare to stand in the line.
Thanks to my friend, catie I tried P.F. Chang at last.
We ordered Gung Pao chicken (it's my favorite chinese dish always.), Pan fried noodle, Garlic snap peas and some kind of pork ribs. As being expected, It's not too oily or spicy. I wished the Gung Pao was a bit spicier, that was nice none the less. If that spicy food had a bit more kick, Catie could not have enjoyed it at all as opposed to I could do more. So, It was fair for either.
It was nice dining out place on the whole. comfortable and romantic lighting, decorations and ambient, flavorful cuision and decent portion, reasonable price - total price for 4 dishes and beverage was about 40 bucks include tips.
Hightly recommended if you are interested in great ambience and delicious meats... and not too caught up the "authentic Chinese" bit!
PS. Ordering from menu doesn't have pictures doesn't seem to be easy for foriegners like us.
FYI,This is the menu for the P.F. Chang's. It has picture and information about calories and ingredients. hope this can help you enjoy P.F. Chang.
2007년 7월 19일 목요일
confession 1
I got a confession to make.
I had been addicted to Ikea furniture. 80% of my funitures are from there, spent so many days & nights assembling those damn cute objects.
It was not easy to overcome that addiction but I made it by quitting going to burbank. (at least I thought I did)
Today I happened to go there to see my friend, Jay since his car is in bad condition and finally visit IKEA again.
I had a good reason for my visit though 'cuz the lamp in my bed room is broken.
Anyway once I stepped in there and look around all the furnitures displayed neatly, it made me go crazy to pick up something new. well... I managed to get out with the only lamp (To be frankly, I picked up couple of nice glass vessels but put those back at the end. anyway Nice Deffence!!!) but still keep thinking of the little white side table which I glanced at in the living room section.
I should stop thinking of it, it's tough though.
I don't wanna be slave to IKEA!
no more see you soon again...Hado to IKEA!!!
2007년 7월 17일 화요일
Resolution 1
mother's gift
went shopping to beverly cntr for my mother's birthday gift.
found a fancy hand bag made by couch in the 25% sale showcase in the blooming dales. I could get almost 40% off since I had 15% off coupon that they send me for opening blooming dales' account. happy about nice deal.
dropped by apple store, bought i-pod shuffle for mom. yellowish green, the same color as mine. After having updated couples of upbeat songs so that my mother could enjoy it while her jogging, wrapped up with the bag and birthday card to send them to her in Korea.
Happy birth day, mom. I love you!
2007년 7월 14일 토요일
cool stuff ^^b
I just posted about 20 pictures that I took in ankor watt, Cambodia last summer. flickr is cool stuff. better than cy-world in that you can send your pic to any blog you want. just my opinion. It's not that difficult to learn as well. I tried to open an my-space account once before but I couldn't even figure out what is going on there, flash, video. music..ect... too much stuffs for me. Look at the blogger and flickr. silent, neat, fancy and easy. these seem to be perfect tool for English begginer like me. I like both so much. thank you for introducing me these nice websites, matt!! well.. I gotta go out. party animals keep calling me. Have a nice weekend. everyone.
PS. I'm writing this one in flickr. isn't this cool? ^_^b
PS. I'm writing this one in flickr. isn't this cool? ^_^b
trial uploading...
well.. this is trial uploading.
I've just posted my first pic on the flickr, found out the function to send the pic I posted in flickr to blogger and post as well just by one clicking.(It's cool~)
so now I am giving a shot.
You can visit my flickr by clicking the picture on the right or the link saying trial uploading... below the pic.
I've just posted my first pic on the flickr, found out the function to send the pic I posted in flickr to blogger and post as well just by one clicking.(It's cool~)
so now I am giving a shot.
You can visit my flickr by clicking the picture on the right or the link saying trial uploading... below the pic.
2007년 7월 12일 목요일
The first post (Hi~ everyone)
I've just opened my account and trying to figure out how things going on here.
Well... this actually is a kind of homework of the Language school that I'm currently attending, but I've been wanting to try this out someday soon. Today is the DAY!!! Thank you for the motivation, Matt~ It must take more than a year to open an account owing to my idleness but for your pressure. I'm a real big procrastinator!
I have yet no specific plan what to post here. Posting journal seem to be proper for a while until my english get better.
I don't know who's gonna be my friend here, but whoever visiting my blog you are, I always welcome your pointing out my mistake on grammar and weird expression. I will appreciate your advice. I really need to improve my English.
Plz drop in my blog from time to time. your one sweet comment is a big support for me. thank you. Arigaddo. Kakuncab. Shuie shuie. Gomabddanggero~ (__)(^^)
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